Setting Up Autopilot

Capacity's Autopilot is a transformative tool designed to automate the management of incoming emails and support tickets using advanced generative AI. This feature empowers businesses to provide 24/7 support, ensuring that every customer interaction is handled efficiently and effectively, without the need for constant human oversight. 

Key Features of Autopilot

  1. Automated Email and Ticket Responses: Autopilot reads and responds to incoming emails and tickets using information pulled directly from your company’s knowledge base.
  2. 24/7 Support Capability: With Autopilot, your support functions are always on, providing real-time responses to inquiries any time of the day.
  3. Dynamic Response Handling: You can choose to manually approve responses generated by Autopilot or set them to be sent automatically, optimizing your workflow and response times.

Benefits of Using Autopilot

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Quick and accurate responses lead to higher customer satisfaction rates.
  • Reduced Workload: Autopilot handles routine inquiries, allowing your team to focus on more complex issues.
  • Scalability: Easily manage high volumes of emails and support tickets without additional human resources.

Setting Up Autopilot

Step 1: Contact Capacity

You will need to contact Capacity in order to enable Autopilot. If you have an account manager, you can reach out to him or her directly or complete this short form.

Step 2: Integration

Configure Autopilot to work with your business email by setting up forwarding rules that allow Autopilot to process incoming emails.

Step 3: Configuration

  1. Navigate to the Helpdesk > Inboxes in Settings.
  2. Choose a data source that will be used to generate responses for your Agents:
    • Knowledge Base - We will retrieve the most relevant PDF's and Q&A Exchanges from your KB.
    • Articles (Capacity) - We will retrieve the most relevant content from you published support articles
    • Web Source - We will crawl your website in real-time to find the answer. Your web site must be publicly assessable to Google's search engine.
  3. Access Permissions: Manage the visibility of your content. Select 'Public' for universal access. This ensures optimal control over your content's confidentiality. If you choose "public" this will generate a response to anyone who sends an email to your inbox and use the data selected in your knowledge base to generate an answer. By keeping this setting unchecked, it will only build a response for authenticated users and access control permissions will apply.

4. Max Word Count: Specifies the number of words the AI will attempt to keep the response.

5. Choose one of the following response modes:

  • Copilot: Add response as a public comment draft for review (recommended)
  • Copilot: Add response as a private comment for review
  • Autopilot: Automatically send the response to the reporter

Step 4: Knowledge Base Checkup

  • Ensure that your company’s knowledge base is up-to-date and integrated with Autopilot. This allows the AI to pull accurate information for responses.
  • Regularly update the knowledge base to reflect new information and changes in your business operations.

Best Practices for Using Autopilot

  1. Regular Monitoring: While Autopilot is designed to operate independently, regular monitoring and adjustments based on performance metrics can enhance its effectiveness. It's best to start off in Copilot mode until your team feels 100% comfortable will all responses. 
  2. Feedback Loop: Implement the "Self-close" feature inside of Capacity Helpdesk so your customers will close their tickets automatically. Use this feedback to refine the AI’s performance.
  3. Staff Training: Train your team on how to best use and interact with Autopilot, including how to handle escalated issues that require human intervention.


Capacity's Autopilot feature revolutionizes how businesses handle customer support by leveraging advanced AI to manage and respond to incoming communications. By automating routine tasks, Autopilot not only enhances customer satisfaction but also empowers your team to focus on tasks that add greater value to your business. With easy integration and flexible pricing, Autopilot is an essential tool for any business looking to improve its support operations and achieve inbox zero.

For further assistance or to get started with Autopilot, please contact our support team or visit our website to learn more about integrating this powerful tool into your workflow.

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