Uploading and Downloading in KB


Capacity Knowledge Bases contain the following types of information -  files, exchanges, and guided conversations. Depending on the type of content, we offer different tools for importing and exporting your data.


Uploading Files

There is a great detail about uploading a single file in this article. It is also important to note that you can import multiple files at a time simply by selecting them from your computer and dragging them onto your screen within the appropriate folder. Doing so should result in you seeing a modal with details about the files and the option to make the links to them publicly available.

Downloading Files

To download one or more files, simply navigate to the correct location in your KB and select the files or folder you want to download. Doing so will activate a Download menu in the top left of the page. The menu will give you several options and depending on what you have selected, can result in a different scope of what is included in the download.

To download only files, you would select the "Download Files Only" option. Selecting the "Download Files & Dialogues" option will not only download any files selected, but any simple exchanges that may be included in your selection as a separate CSV file. If folders are selected, we will download any content nested within the folders as well.


Exchanges are a subset of Dialogues in the platform. A Dialogue can contain many exchanges and some of those exchanges can be of the simple type or they can be Guided Conversations. This section will speak only to the simple exchanges.

Downloading Dialogues

Similar to files, to download Dialogues, simply navigate to the correct location in your KB and select the Dialogues you want to download. Doing so will activate a Download menu in the top left of the page with several options. Please note, there is also another way to download exchanges through analytics  as referenced in this article.

To download only Dialogues, you would select the "Download Dialogues Only" option. Selecting the "Download Files & Dialogues" option will include any files selected in a zip file as well as the selected Dialogues in a separate CSV file.

CSV Download Example

The CSV file download of Dialogues will be in a specific format. This format is the exact same format that you can use to import dialogues/simple exchanges into your KB.

If  you select a Dialogue that has multiple simple exchanges within it, we will download all of them in the file. If an exchange has more than one inquiry variant, we will separate the inquiries and inquiry IDs with a pipe delimiter (as shown in the first row of the example above).

Uploading Dialogues & Exchanges

You have the ability to import Dialogues and simple Exchanges in bulk using the import option within Knowledge Base. Click on the Add button in the top right corner to open a menu. Select the option "Import Dialogues & Exchanges". Doing so will open a modal with two options, Download a Template or Import Existing File.

Downloading a Template

If you do not have a previous download from your KB or you are starting from complete scratch, this option will be useful. This will give you a CSV file with the template requirements defined that you can then use to populate with your data and later import.


  • dialogue - (Required) - Name of the dialogue to be updated or created.
  • dialogue_id - (Optional) - If provided the existing dialogue will be updated. If left blank we will create new.
  • exchange_id - (Optional) - Id of the exchange that the inquiries live within. If provided we will update the existing. If left blank we will create a new exchange.
  • inquiries - (Required) - Supply the actual inquiry(ies) text you want to match against. Multiple can be provided if separated by pipes e.g. PTO calendar|submit PTO|calendar for PTO
  • inquiry_ids - (Optional) - If provided the existing inquiry will be updated. If no Id(s) are present new ones will be created. Multiple can be provided if separated by pipes e.g. 1940926|1940994|1940995
  • response - (Required) - Provide the response to be sent when someone matches the inquiry.

Import Existing File

Choose this option if you already have a populated CSV template for import. This will either update existing content or create new content depending on the contents of your template. The import will need to meet the template requirements as noted above.

Guided Conversations

Guided Conversations are a subset of Dialogues that are more complex than simple Exchanges. Guided Conversations are built using flows, logic steps, action cards, etc. As a result, this type of content in the KB cannot be uploaded or downloaded. Guided Conversations have to be created and managed within the user interface only.

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