Upload Exchanges

Users have the ability to upload exchanges using .csv files. 

To upload, navigate to the folder where you want the dialogues to live, click 'Add' in the top right corner.

Then select 'Import Dialogues and Exchanges' and you can download the template you need to use.

Next, you'll need to fill in the spreadsheet that you downloaded. Only columns A, D, and F need to be filled out with import information. There is example information in line 2, you'll need to delete that if you do not want it uploaded into your Knowledge Base.

Row A: Dialogue Name (input the name of the dialogue to be updated or created)

Row D: Inquiries (supply the actual inquiry text you want to match against. Multiple can be provided if separated by pipes e.g. PTO calendar|submit PTO|calendar for PTO)

Row F: Response (provide the response to be sent when someone matches the inquiry.)

Once the CSV is filled out and saved (be sure it is saved as a .csv and no other format).

Then go back to the 'Add' option, select 'Import Dialogues and Exchanges'.

This time, however, select 'Import from existing file'.

Then select your saved .csv file and upload what you created.

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