Analytics Overview

This article provides a quick tour of the power and features of Capacity Advanced Analytics. You can also watch a corresponding video version here:

If advanced analytics is enabled for your instance, you’ll find the analytics icon toward the bottom of the left sidebar. Then in the workspace sidebar, you’ll see all the dashboards available to you, grouped by the category or feature - for example, Bot, Tickets, Livechat, Knowledge Base, etc.

Bot - Dashboard

Let’s dig into the Chatbot metrics, for which there are several associated views. If we select “Bot - Dashboard” we see it pull up the high-level activity for your chatbot over the past 30 days. Across the top, there is a banner showing the total number of inquiries asked of the bot, the total number of active users, the average session time, the deflection rate, and the percentage of responses that received a thumbs down or negative feedback from the user.

You’ll find some explanations and definitions in the Tooltips which appear when you hover your mouse over the given element. For example, total active users is defined as the count of distinct users interacting with Capacity in the time period, or the count of distinct sessions if users are anonymous.

Another definition worth digging into here is Deflection Rate. This is the number of Interactions Handled automatically by Capacity Bot without Escalation. Escalations include having a ticket created or kicking off a Live Chat session. For this metric, interactions are grouped into the following types: knowledge base responses, bot skills, entire guided conversations, or entire Live Chat sessions.

In the line graphs below the banner, you'll see the number of inquiries overtime on a weekly basis. You can hover over the time axis origin to reveal zoom buttons, and if you press the minus, it will decrease the granularity so that you're looking at months, then quarters, then years. Let's go back to weeks. If you press the plus sign, it will increase the resolution to days or hours. The line graphs also contain a dotted reference line showing the average across the given time period. The active users line graph below it functions identically.

Now all the content on the view can be filtered by the dropdowns and sliders in the right sidebar. You can choose any date range you’d like by layering the relative date filter and the date range picker, and you can choose to express the timestamps in whichever timezone is most applicable. You can select whether you include Live Chat interactions in the totals or not - the default view only looks at Bot interactions, except for the Deflection Rate calculation and associated graph, which necessarily always considers Live Chat sessions. Finally, you can choose to show or hide specific types of exchanges, or filter to specific Concierge Bots or interfaces.

The last two graphs at the bottom of Bot - Dashboard show a stacked bar graph of the Deflection Rate and Feedback by Session. You’ll see here that over 95% of interactions are handled automatically by the Bot, while the remainder creates an escalation such as a helpdesk ticket or a Live Chat session. On the Feedback graph, we see that over 95% of sessions have net neutral feedback, while a small percentage have net positive feedback, meaning more thumbs-ups than downs in the session, and an even smaller percentage have net thumbs down.

Bot - Top Exchanges

If you navigate to the Top Exchanges view, you will see a list of the questions that are most relevant from a Capacity Admin’s point of view. The Trending algorithm calculates a composite score based on the activity over the past 90 days in five categories: Popularity of Match, Count of Positive Feedback, Count of Negative Feedback, Recency of Matching, and Recency of Content Creation or Update. The total score considers all components, but we highlight the primary signal as the main driver of why that input is trending. 

If you hover on an item associated with a particular exchange and also click on it, the pop-up tooltip will contain a hyperlink that will take you to where that specific item lives in the Console. This is also the case for tickets, live chats, workflows, and other elements that you’ll find across the platform. This will allow you to drill down and explore the data in more detail. 

We can see that a combination of lots of matches and positive feedback on the skill “Open Enrollment 2022” is driving it as a trending exchange. If we click down into it, it takes us to the knowledge base section of the Console, where we discover that this is a guided conversation for our internal team at Capacity to navigate the open enrollment process for our healthcare and benefits.

Bot - Chat Log

If you navigate to the view for “Bot - Chat Log”, you can see a log of all the non-confidential sessions that users have had. There are more filters on the sidebar as well as across the top on this view. 

Also note the Export Button, which allows us to download a PDF, spreadsheet, or image of the current view. 


This covers the major functionality of Capacity Analytics. We hope this helps you dig in and discover more about how the platform is working, and to fine tune your knowledge base and configuration for optimal support of your users. If you have any questions, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager. Have a nice day!   

Other example reports include:


  • Bot - Dashboard 
  • Bot - Chat Log
  • Bot - Top Directories
  • Bot - Top Exchanges
  • Bot - Top Users
  • Bot - Busiest Hours


  • Helpdesk - Overview
  • Helpdesk - Custom Fields
  • Helpdesk - Ticket Log
  • Tickets - SLA Report
  • Tickets - Users Needing the most help


  • Livechat - Overview
  • Livechat - Session Log
  • Livechat - Message Log

Knowledge Base

  • KB - Growth
  • KB - Fix Broken Links
  • KB - Links & HTTP Status by Folder
  • KB - Export as CSV
  • KB - Export All Details


  • Articles - Overview
  • Concierge - User Link Clicks
  • User Details

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