Required Custom Fields

The Capacity platform allows you to set requirements on custom fields for different resources, e.g. CRM Accounts or Contacts, Helpdesk Project, etc. We give you the flexibility to determine, by resource, how or even if the custom field should be used. This can be helpful when certain fields are really only applicable in the CRM but are not helpful for Ticketing, etc.

If you need an overview of how Custom Fields work, please feel free to visit our Custom Fields Overview article.

Field Usage Requirements for CRM

Setup in the UI

When on a specific custom field's page within Capacity, you will see a number of configuration options for field usage for both Accounts and Contacts. Within this section, you can specify how the custom field should be used (if at all) for both Accounts and Contacts.

For Accounts & Contacts, the field requirement options in the dropdowns are:

  • Not Enabled (default)- Select this if you do not want the custom field to be visible for data population on the account or contacts records.
  • Enabled and Optional - Select this if you want the custom field to be available to be used for accounts and contacts, but it is not required to be populated.
  • Required to Create - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to create the account or contact.

Required Field Enforcement

Accounts and Contacts have the ability to be added and updated via import and our API. When fields are set as required to create Accounts or Contacts, they are enforced on import and via API. So, if a required field is not provided when attempting to create an account or contact using one of these methods, you will receive an error message.

If attempting to create an account or contact via the UI and required fields are configured, the create button will not even be activated until all required fields are met.

Field Usage Requirements for Helpdesk

Setup in the UI

Further down the custom field page are the usage settings for Helpdesk projects. In this section, we have two ways to allow you to set the field requirements. 

Enforce the same requirements across all projects. This is a single dropdown to select the field requirement and it will be applied to all selected projects and all selected ticket types.

When this is selected, you can only specify the same requirement across whatever projects and ticket types you select. After selecting your requirement type from the dropdown, you will then be able to select which projects (and even further) which ticket types to apply that requirement to.

Enforce requirements on a project by project basis. This allows you to go project by project and set the specific field requirement for each and apply it by ticket type as well.

When this is selected, we unlock new UI that allows you to specify on a per project basis, what specific field requirement you want to enforce. This view provides an at-a-glance preview of what is set up per project and allows you to edit each project's requirement set up.

If you want to edit a specific project's requirement settings, click on the edit icon. It will pull up a modal that allows you to specify the field requirement as well as select the ticket types it should apply to.

When setting the field requirements, you have these options for each project:

  • Not Enabled - Select this if you do not want the custom field to be visible for data population on tickets within the selected project(s).
  • Enabled and Optional - Select this if you want the custom field to be available to be used for the selected projects, but it is not required to be populated.
  • Required to Create a Ticket - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to create a ticket in the selected projects.
  • Required to Close a Ticket - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to close a ticket in the selected projects.

Required Field Enforcement

When setting any custom field as required to create or close, we will surface ways to validate this behavior differently depending on the method of create or close. 

When creating a ticket directly in the Capacity console UI 
if required fields are not populated, we will not activate the create button.
When closing a ticket directly in the Capacity console UI 
if required fields are not populated, we will display an error message alerting you to which required fields are missing.
When a ticket is created by a customer via email 
we do not prevent the ticket creation because customers cannot be expected to know field requirements.
When a ticket is created as a result of a workflow or a guided conversation 
we do not enforce the field requirements because we cannot expect the data to always be available upstream and do not want to prevent ticket creation.
When a ticket is created or closed via API 
if the required fields are not populated, we will return an error message in the API.

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