Custom Fields Overview

Managing Custom Fields

Custom fields give organizations the power to store and manage custom data which can be used within Helpdesk and our CRM. They can be extremely helpful for capturing relevant information that is specific to your business on accounts, contacts, tickets and more.

Accessing Custom Fields

To access your custom fields, go to Settings > Org Management > Org Settings > Custom Fields. On this page, you will see a list of your existing Custom Fields by name and field type.

To add a new custom field, click on the Add field button in the top right corner. You will be taken to a set up page to fill out all of the settings and usage information for your custom field.

Custom Field Types & Settings

When on the Custom Field editor page, you will have the option to define the field name, field type, and field values (as needed). 

We offer several different data format types for Custom Fields. These field types include:

  • Checkbox (multiple options, multiple choice)
  • Date
  • Decimal
  • Dropdown (multiple options, single choice)
  • Numeric
  • Plain text
  • Radio (multiple options, single choice)

If you select a field type that present multiple options, you will be prompted to populate the field values for selection.

In this section, we also allow you to specify if the custom field will story PHI/PII data. 

Custom Field Usage

Presently, custom fields can be configured to be used across the following:

  • CRM Accounts
  • CRM Contacts
  • Helpdesk (All projects or project by project)

Within this section, you can also specify how the custom fields should be used within each of those sections of the platform. 

For Accounts & Contacts, the field requirement options are:

  • Not Enabled - Select this if you do not want the custom field to be visible for data population on the account or contacts records.
  • Enabled and Optional - Select this if you want the custom field to be available to be used for accounts and contacts, but it is not required to be populated.
  • Required to Create - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to create the account or contact.

For Helpdesk, we have two ways to allow you to set the field requirements. 

  • Enforce the same requirements across all projects. This is a single dropdown to select the field requirement and it will be applied to all selected projects and all selected ticket types. 
  • Enforce requirements on a project by project basis. This allows you to go project by project and set the specific field requirement for each and apply it by ticket type as well.

When setting the field requirements, you have these options for each project:

  • Not Enabled - Select this if you do not want the custom field to be visible for data population on tickets within the selected project(s).
  • Enabled and Optional - Select this if you want the custom field to be available to be used for the selected projects, but it is not required to be populated.
  • Required to Create a Ticket - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to create a ticket in the selected projects.
  • Required to Close a Ticket - Select this option if you want the custom field to be required to be populated in order to close a ticket in the selected projects.

Updating Custom Fields

Once a custom field is created you do have the ability to make edits to the name, type, values, and even the field usage requirements. This can be done via the UI or via the API.

How Changes Apply to Existing

When a custom field is removed from a helpdesk project or ticket type 
data that is already stored on the tickets in those projects persist and display but cannot be edited.
When a custom field is removed from CRM Accounts or Contacts
data is hidden and removed from the Account and/or Contacts pages.
When values for a custom field are removed 
values that are already stored on the resource persist but will not be selectable again on save or edit.

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