KB Fine Grained Access for Knowledge Agents

KB Fine Grained Access allows Knowledge Managers to control the viewing and edit access of Knowledge Agents to files and folders.

How it works

To start, click the eye icon when in the KB. Use this to open the access control modal, which lets users specify to which folders and files teams, concierges, and/or content groups should have access. 

Console Access Tab
The "Console Access" tab allows users to select a team and limit access in the Web Console for users of that team. Options include:

  1. No access - The users in the team will not be able to see the file or folder in the Console, unless it's a parent folder of a folder to which the user does have access
  2. Can View - The users in the team can view the file or folder
  3. Can Edit - The users in the team can edit (and view) the content of the file and folder

Concierge Access Tab
The "Concierge Access" tab works as it has in the past. In this view, Admins and Knowledge Managers can limit KB content to specific Content Groups and Concierge Groups, with simple checkboxes.

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