Capacity API

What's the Capacity API?

The Capacity web console is feature-rich, and you can accomplish a multitude of different tasks through its graphical interface.  However, on occasion, you might want to perform tasks rapidly, automatically, without signing into the website.  In those circumstances, the Capacity external API will be useful.

Note: full documentation is available at

What's available via the Capacity API?

With the API, you can read, add, update, and delete the following data:

  • Directories

  • Exchanges (and inputs and outputs)

  • Files

  • Folders

  • User groups (and users)

  • Interfaces

Accessing the Capacity API

To get started with the Capacity API, you'll need a key.  To generate one, navigate to the Org Settings in the Capacity Console.  Under "Org Management" you'll find API Keys under "Security".  Click "Add" to proceed.

(Note: if you see a pre-existing key, you may need to use the existing one or delete it before creating more.  Currently, Capacity only supports one key per org. Please check with your Customer Success Manager if you are not sure how to proceed.)

Creating a Capacity API Key

After giving your key a name, an API key will be generated, unique for your organization.  The console will also display your organization's Capacity ID.  Save both, because they're needed to authenticate to the Capacity API.

Note: Both values won't be available after you navigate away from this page, so be sure to copy them to a secure location.  Your API key can't be retrieved, even by Capacity support!

Editing and Deleting a Capacity API Key

If you'd like to rename your API key to something more descriptive, or delete it entirely, you can do so with the three-dot menu to the right.  Be careful not to delete a key in use in production, or you might break something!

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