Integration Setup

How It Works

Our integration with Box is a one-way sync from Box to Capacity. On a nightly cadence, Capacity will sync the files and folder structure (within the scope Capacity has access within Box) including new files/folders, removal of deleted files /folders, and any movement of files/folders. 

When this feature is enabled in your account, Admins will see a new menu option within Settings, called "Knowledge Management". On this page, you will see in the list, in a Inactive state.

Clicking on the Box integration will take you to the Box integration configuration page.

The Box integration will not become active until you have followed all of the setup steps and provided two pieces of information within the Capacity console.

  1. User Id - This is the Id of the Capacity Sync user created in the Box account. 
  2. JSON Certificate File - This is a file that will be downloaded as part of the Custom App setup process. Once acquired, it will need to be uploaded here.

Set Up Instructions

A Box "app" will need to be created inside of your Box account to allow Capacity to access your data via an app integration.

Creating the Custom App

Navigate to the Developer Console within your Box account and click on the "My Apps" on the left side. Click on the Create New App button.

  1. Click on the Create New App button.  
  2. Select Custom App and then fill out the app name, description, and purpose. It is recommended that you name the app "Capacity File Syncing" to make it easy to recognize. The description can simply be  "Used to sync files between Box and the Capacity platform." 

Once the app has been created, fill out the remaining details.

  1. Authentication Method: select "Server Authentication (with JWT)"
  2. Under the Configuration tab:
    1. For App Access Level, select "App + Enterprise Access"

    2. For Application Scopes, select "Write all files and folders stored in Box" and "Manage Users"

    3. For Advanced Features, select "Make API calls using the as-user header"

    4. For Add and Manage Public Keys, click "Generate a Public/Private Keypair" 

    5. Click Save Changes

    6. You will be prompted to follow a 2FA flow to authenticate as it is attempting to Generate the Public/Private Keypair. Follow that flow - it may require you to click the "Generate a Public/Private Keypair" button again. A JSON file should automatically download.

    7. Save that JSON file as it will be required to be used later.

    8. Click Save Changes again to confirm all app changes have been made.

  3. Under the Authorization tab:

    1. Click on the Review and Submit button. 

Now that the app has been set up and configured, you need an admin to complete the authorization of the app.

  1. Go to the Admin Console, click on apps on the left and select the Custom Apps Manager option. 
  2. Authorize the changes mad to the app. This updates the status of the custom app so it can be used. 

Creating the Sync User

The sync user is how you will control what content access the Capacity app has within your Box account. The Capacity app's content access will be via the Capacity Sync user that you set up. The content permissions that are defined for that user, is what will be used to scope the app's access permission for file syncing. 

In the Admin Console, click on Users and Groups and then click on the Add Users button. At this point you will want to create a new user for the purpose of scoping what content the Capacity custom app will have access to within your Box account.

Create a new user, we recommend that you provide the name "Capacity Sync" to make it obvious the purpose of the user. The email address provided this user does have to be a valid email, but it can be any email address you choose.

Grant the content/folder access permissions to this user that you want to make available to the Capacity app. Select the files and folders you wish to sync with Capacity and make sure this user has access to them.

Once created, copy the User Id of this user from the UI and add it to the configuration screen within Capacity.

Completing the Setup

Once  you have set up the app and configured, you will need to return to the External Knowledge Apps page in Settings to complete the setup.

Open up the Box integration page and upload the JSON certificate file. You will also need to paste in the User Id from the Capacity Sync user created in the previous steps.

When successful, you will see this page - offering you the ability to manually sync should you choose. Otherwise, the sync will take place at night and every night the integration is active.


Box Content in the Capacity KB

Once your Box integration has been fully set up, you will now see a new option within Knowledge Management under the Knowledge Base menu. A menu item labeled Box will now display.

Please make sure that just like any other KB content, that you go through and assign the appropriate content access permissions to the Concierges and Content Groups and Console Access. 

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