Using Workflow Steps & Apps

Types of Steps

  1. Broadcast 

  2. Ticket 

  3. Guided Conversation

  4. Sub-workflow

  5. App Action

Getting Started


Each new workflow comes with a Start step. This step indicates the beginning of the workflow. 

Variables defined in the Start step are collected when you run the workflow. See Start Variables section.


A Broadcast step lets you send a chat message or an email to one or more people. 

Variables collected previously in the workflow can be used to personalize and contextualize the subject line, message and recipient sections of the broadcast. 

Step Settings

Send a Chat Message

  • Select an Interface

  • Message Content

  • Select Teams, Users added to your to notify

Send an Email

  • Add recipients

  • Subject

  • Message Body

  • Reply-To Address

Figure: Broadcast settings - Send a Slack Message

Figure: Broadcast settings - Send an Email



A ticket is a manual task that needs to be completed by a user. 

A Ticket step in the workflow creates a ticket in the specified project in Capacity Helpdesk and notifies the assigned user. 

The workflow waits at the ticket step until the corresponding ticket is completed.

Step Settings

  • Select Project

  • Ticket Status (on creation)

  • Ticket Name

  • Description

  • Assign To User

  • Priority

  • Due Date


You can insert variables from the workflow in text input fields - Ticket name & description.

Additionally you have the option to send & collect variables from the workflow.

Send Variables

Workflow variables you send to the ticket will appear on the right hand side bar in the ticket view under “Collected Fields”.

Collect Variables

Data that you want to collect from the ticket assignee will show up in a “Information Needed to complete this ticket” section in the ticket. If a variable that you want to collect is Required in the workflow, the ticket cannot be marked as Done without entering a value for that variable.

Figure: Ticket Settings

Figure: Ticket Variables

Figure: Ticket View with Ticket Details


Guided Conversation

A Guided Conversation (GC) is a back and forth exchange between a human and Capacity on a specified interface. Supported interfaces include Slack, MS Teams, Symphony, and email (not recommended for multi step GCs that use buttons to collect choices).

A GC step is generally used to send information or collect information from a user in real-time. GCs are created in the Knowledge Base.

When the workflow reaches a GC step, the assigned user is notified in their interface and the conversation automatically starts.

Step Settings

  • Select a Guided conversation

  • Choose an Interface

  • Assign to User

Figure: Guided Conversation settings



Similar to Ticket step, you can send and collect variables to and from a guided conversation.

Figure: Guided Conversation - Send & Collect Variables


Variables sent to the conversation from a workflow can be referenced using {{ }} braces with variable name inside e.g. {{variable1}}, {{variable2}} etc.

Figure: Example Guided Conversation with variables sent from workflow and collected for the workflow. 



A sub-workflow step starts another workflow inside the current workflow. The current workflow waits on the sub-workflow step until the sub-workflow is completed.

Step Settings

  • Select a sub-workflow

  • Start Variables

Figure: Sub-workflow settings


App Action

The application step is an automated step in the workflow that talks with a 3rd party application to perform some action. Apps are 3rd party integrations built in Capacity Developer Platform and distributed through the App Store.

Any application that is available in your App Store and turned on will be available in the workflow builder. 

Each application action has predefined inputs and outputs. 

Step Settings

  • Choose an Action

  • Provide Inputs

Figure: App Settings - Create a Ticket in Jira

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