Azure SSO Setup

Step 1: Create a new enterprise application

Step 2: Name and Create Application

Step 3: Choose SAML

Step 4: Enter Entity ID/Reply ID

Capacity IDP:

Reply URL

Step 5: Update User Attributes Claims

  • emailaddress
    • Name: email
    • Namespace: Blank

  • surname
    • Name: last_name
    • Namespace: Blank

  • givenname
    • Name: first_name
    • Namespace: Blank

Step 6: Add appropriate users/groups

Step 7: Provide your customer success manager with the federation Metadata URL


Error AADSTS50105 - The signed in user is not assigned to a role for the application.

In this case, the user has not been granted access to the application in Azure AD. You can refer to step 7 above, or you can use this quick start guide from Microsoft to appropriately assign users.

For more details on this error, you can refer to this Microsoft help page

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