Preparing Your Knowledge Base for Generative AI

Incorporating Generative AI into your knowledge base can dramatically improve the way your organization manages data, answers inquiries, and interacts with users. To harness the full potential of Generative AI within the Capacity platform, it’s critical to properly prepare and organize your knowledge base. This guide provides comprehensive steps and recommendations to ensure your knowledge base is ready for Generative AI. Scroll to the bottom for a video walkthrough. 

Organizing Your Knowledge Base

Identifying Key Content Types:

Start by understanding the different types of content your organization already possesses. Content types that are especially beneficial for Generative AI include:

  • Manuals and Guidelines.
  • Internal Policies and Procedures.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).
  • Customer Service Transcripts
  • Product Descriptions and Documentation

Supported Content/File Types:

As we progress, we are excited about the prospect of expanding our support to additional file types, further broadening the versatility of the Capacity platform. Understanding that different organizations may rely on various documentation formats, we're committed to inclusivity in file type compatibility. 

In the meantime, for file types not yet directly supported, we recommend converting these documents into PDFs as a temporary solution. This approach ensures that no material goes unused and that your knowledge base remains as comprehensive and impactful as possible.

Content/File Type SupportExtensionSupport Date
✅ Capacity Exchanges (Q&A)--March 2024
✅ Portable Document Format.pdfMarch 2024
✅ Capacity Articles--April 2024
✅ Microsoft Word.doc,.docxJuly 2024
Microsoft Powerpoint.ppt,pptxQ3 2024
Text.txtQ3 2024
Comma-Separated Values.csvQ3 2024
Microsoft Excel.xls,xlsx2024
Image-Based PDF's (requires OCR).pdf2024

Creating a Structured Folder System

Your knowledge base should mirror a well-organized library. Here’s how you can set it up:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge Management within your Capacity console.
  2. Select Create Folder to start organizing your documents.
  3. Name your folders based on categories like department functions (HR, Operations, Customer Support) or content types (Policies, Product Docs).

A meticulously arranged folder system ensures your documents are indexed correctly, facilitating easier retrieval by Generative AI.

Using Generative AI on Capacity Articles

It's important to note that when using Generative AI on Capacity articles, you should ensure that you have the proper permissions and rights to access and use the content. Additionally, always cite and credit the original source of the articles to ensure trust to the user consuming the information. 

Access Controls by Interface:

Authenticated interfaces (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Slack, Authenticated Web Concierge) can search:

  • Private Site Content
  • Public Site Content

Unauthenticated interfaces (e.g., Unauthenticated Web Concierge) can search:

  • Public Site Content

Adding Your Files

The latest update to our platform now allows for seamless integration of PDFs documents into the Capacity Bot without the need for manual Q&A pair creation.

 Simply drag and drop your files into the designated folder. If you want your files available for downloading using an unauthenticated interface (e.g. public bot), please allow for "public links." Capacity will automatically start indexing these documents into a vector database. 

Best Practices

  • Review and Update Regularly: Keep your knowledge base dynamic by regularly updating content and reassessing folder structures. This keeps your AI’s responses relevant and accurate.
  • Monitor AI Interactions: Pay attention to how users interact with the Generative AI by uing the Bot Chat Log. Insights gained can guide further refinements to your knowledge base and conversation setups.
  • Data Security: Ensure that all documents comply with SOC2/HIPAA compliance standards by setting the proper Content Group and Concierge Access maintaining confidentiality and security at all times.


Preparing your knowledge base for Generative AI is a critical step toward unlocking sophisticated, AI-powered interactions that can transform how your organization retrieves and disseminates information. By systematizing your content, utilizing the latest features for document integration, and setting up intelligent guided conversations, you position your platform at the forefront of AI-driven customer and employee experiences. Embrace this journey toward an enhanced, smarter Capacity experience.

Next: Setting Up Your Guided Conversations with Generative AI

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