Microsoft O365 Email & Calendar Set Up

This three step guide will walk your Microsoft Administrator through how to create the Capacity App integration in Microsoft Azure.

STEP 1: Register Capacity Application

  1. Log into Microsoft Azure as an administrator from
  2. Locate the search bar at the top of the page and search “App Registrations”.
  3. Enter the “App registrations” menu and select “New registration”.
  4. In the popup pane, fill in the following:
    1. Name: Capacity
    2. Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only
    3. Redirect URI
      1. Type: Web
      2. URI:
  5. Click “Register” at the bottom of the page. Now you should see a new app appearing on the App registration pane

STEP 2: Set API Permissions

  1. Select the newly created app, click on “API Permissions”.
  2. Select + Add a permission 
  3. Select Microsoft Graph
  4. Select Delegated permissions
  5. Add the following permissions to Capacity:
  • Microsoft Graph
    • User.Read 
    • User.ReadBasic.All 
    • Calendars.ReadWrite.Shared 
    • MailboxSettings.Read 
    • Offline_access
    • Files.Read.All

To complete Capacity’s integration, you will need to get an Application ID,  Application Secret and a Directory ID to forward to your Customer Success Manager.

Application ID

The Application (client) ID can be found by navigating to the Capacity app that was just created and clicking into the Overview Menu.

Application Secret

  1. Select Certificates & Secrets from the Capacity app’s side menu bar.

  1. Go to Client Secrets. Click on New Client Secret and enter a description.
  2. Click on the Expires dropdown menu and select 780 days (24 months). Click “Add”.
  3. The Application Secret will display in the Value column and is a randomly generated string of text.
NOTE: The Application Secret will only be displayed once. Please be sure to store this in a safe location!

Tenant ID

You can locate your Tenant ID by navigating to the Azure Active Directory from your Microsoft Azure Portal, then select “Properties.”

STEP 3: Forward App IDs to Capacity

Once you have obtained your Application ID, Application Secret, and Tenant ID please forward them to your Customer Success Manager to have your implementation specialist complete Capacity’s integration.

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