Guided Conversation Cards

A Guided Conversation (GC) is a type of Exchange. Guided conversations are organized in your Knowledge Base the same way a Standard Exchange is. To learn more about creating a guided conversation read this article

Cards are the building blocks of Guided Conversations.In this article we will outline the card types available in Guided Conversations, and the purpose or use of each card.

A combined sequence of cards is used to create a guided experience for users who chat with your Concierge. Different cards allow you to build different flows or experiences, such as collecting information, searching your Knowledge Base and returning information, communicating with third party services, using live chat, and more.

Guided Conversation Card Types

The cards available in a GC can be broken down into four categories:

  1. Messaging
  2. Actions
  3. Conclusion
  4. Conversation Flow

To add a card, click the plus sign in the builder, and select the desired card from the dropdown menu. The cards for each category can be seen below.

Messaging Cards

Messaging cards are used to communicate with the user chatting with the Concierge as well as gather or collect information. The cards include:

  1. Simple Message
  2. Multiple Paths
  3. Placeholder
  4. Collect Info
  5. Dropdown
  6. Rating Scale
  7. Date/time
  8. Form

Simple Message Card

The Simple Message card allows you to send a message through the chatbot that does not require a response from the chat user. 

Simple Message cards are often used as the last card in the conversation to send a final response (although many other card types can also be used to end a conversation). Simple Message cards are also used to send one response right after another. This can help separate two thoughts and make the experience a bit more conversational.

Simple Message cards are useful for displaying instructions or information for the user. For example, a Simple Message card can be used to display a link to requested information, or the results of an approval process.

Builder view

Concierge view

Multiple Paths Card

Multiple Path cards are essential for creating different branches or flows in the Guided Conversation. The builder can create “path” buttons that branch/split the conversation in the builder. This lets them create different experiences based on the user’s choice/selection in the concierge.

Like the Simple Message card, the Multiple Path card sends the entered text as a message from the bot, but also includes buttons which the user can select to move the conversation forward. Their selection affects which path is followed and which card is shown next.

Adding a Multiple Path Card

  1. Click the plus sign, and select the Multiple Path card from the drop-down menu.
  2. Type your question or intro text in the open text box. Click Done.
  3. Rename your paths from the default values by clicking on each path bubble.
  4. To add more paths, click the plus sign to the right of your existing paths.
  5. Build out the rest of your guided conversation for each path you created. To work on a particular path, simply select that path bubble.

You can save the path the user selected as a variable to use later in the conversation. To do so, add a variable name to the Save Selection As a field in the top right corner. The variable name must be all lower case, and use underscores for spaces.

Examples: first_name, contact_method

In the example below, the user selects which state they are in, then continues down a different path depending on their choice.

Builder View
Select Missouri

Select Illinois

Concierge view

Placeholder Card

Like the name suggests, the placeholder card serves as a temporary placeholder for other types of cards in a Guided Conversation. The placeholder card is a special card that does not send a message to the Bot. The placeholder card’s purpose is to help Guided Conversation builders map out their flows without having to create every part of the conversation at that point in time. 

Once the builder is ready to replace the placeholder card, they can swap the card by using the dropdown to change to the desired card type. Like the placeholder, any card can be changed to another, but be careful when switching cards as Multiple Path card paths or Logic card paths can be lost in the process.

Collect Info Card

You can think of the Collect Info card as a simple form with just a single field. The Collect Info card displays a message from the bot requesting information. The reply the user types and submits will be collected as a variable which can be used at any further step in the Guided Conversation.

To add a variable simply type the desired name in the top right corner text box. Variables must be lower case, without special characters or spaces. In the example below the variable is named “collected_info”.

Builder view

Concierge view

Advanced options

The collect info card also comes with a few advanced settings options. You can add “Quick Reply Buttons” which the user can click to submit an answer without them having to type a response.

You can also disallow typed responses to force them to choose from the defined options, or just use a dropdown list of options from which they can choose. Simple validation for text or numbers can also be applied with a relevant error message.

Add Quick Reply Buttons/Dropdown List

  1. Type your question into the open text box to prompt the user.
  2. Name your variable in the Save Reply As field.
  3. Click Advanced Options, and Select Quick Reply Buttons or Dropdown List. (Note: Quick reply buttons work best for 5 or fewer options. A dropdown list is best for more than 5 options.)
  4. Add your options in the Custom Options section, and click Done.
  5. You can also add options from a previous App Action card in the conversation by selecting From App.

Dropdown Card

The Dropdown card creates a select list of options from which the chat user can select. After the user selects an option, the conversation will move forward. While similar to the Collect Info card, the Dropdown card can…

  1. Allow multi-selection
  2. Randomize the order of the options
  3. Have an “other” option by default

“List” type variables can also be added to the choices to auto-populate the Dropdown with a predefined list of options.

Builder view

Concierge view

Rating Scale Card

The Rating scale card is used for collecting feedback like five star ratings. There are options for collecting feedback, stars and numbers. The advanced options allow the builder to select the number of stars or “out of” numbers up to ten.

To add a Rating card

  1. Type your question into the open text box to prompt the user.
  2. Name your variable in the Save Reply As field.
  3. Select whether you want the survey response to appear as Stars or Numbers.
  4. Select the Number of Steps on the rating scale (choose 2-10).
  5. Enter Left and Right Labels for your Scale, if desired.
  6. Decide if you want to enable or disable text input and click Save.

Builder view

Advanced builder view

Concierge view

Date/Time Card

The Date/Time card lets the builder collect a date from the user. The UI for the date selector will be the user’s default browser date picker. The information collected can be set to collect just the date, or both date and time.

Builder view

Concierge view

Form Card

The Form card is a special card that lets the Guided Conversation builder create a form with any number of desired fields. It leverages the power of the Collect Info, Dropdown, Rating, and Date/Time cards to create a form with any of those card types as fields.

The builder can define a form name, description, and the submit button text. Click the plus icon in between each “question” to add a new question of the desired card type. Each “field” added to the form has its own “variable” which can be defined (just like with the individual cards) to allow access to the chat user’s answers in the Guided Conversation.

Builder view

Concierge view

Learn more about the form card here.

Action Cards

Action cards are useful for triggering a desired action at a certain point in the Guided Conversation. The app action card in particular lets the builder use third party Apps and Rest endpoints to interact with systems both inside and outside of Capacity. Action cards include:

  1. App Action
  2. Helpdesk Ticket
  3. Send an Email
  4. File Upload
  5. Search (Legacy)
  6. Start Workflow
  7. Live Chat Availability

App Action Card

The App Action card is one of the most powerful cards available in Guided Conversations. The App Action card can use any app action from any of the hundred plus Apps available in the App Center. App Actions can use information collected as variables earlier in the conversation from the chat user to pass data or trigger actions anywhere inside or outside of Capacity.

For example, you could use an app action from the Salesforce App to update a contact’s information. Another common example is to use the Slack App to send a notification when new tickets get created or assigned in the Helpdesk. When combined with the Dev Platform, almost any third party API can be added as a step in Guided Conversation.

Important Notes:

  1. Apps must be turned on in the "App Center" to be available in the Guided Conversation
  2. Apps must be added in the top left corner of the Guided Conversation Builder page to be accessible from the App Action card


Helpdesk Ticket Card

The Helpdesk Ticket card lets the builder create a ticket in the Helpdesk using a familiar interface. The builder can use this card and previously collected information (variables) to create the ticket. For authenticated concierges, the chat user’s information will be available without having to use collect info or form cards.

Builder view

Send an Email Card

The Send an Email card lets the builder send an email using any of the variables collected earlier in the conversation. For example, the Guided Conversation builder may wish to send a confirmation email to the user when they submit a ticket to the Helpdesk. Another example might be sending an email to an “approver” as part of an approval process.

Builder view

File Upload Card

The File Upload card allows the builder to collect a file from a chat user and save it to a specific folder in the Capacity Cloud Drive. The folder can also be decided by a variable. It is also common to use an App action to first create a new folder and then upload the file to that newly created folder.

Adding the File Upload Card

  1. Click the plus sign, and select the File Upload card from the drop-down menu.
  2. Type the response in the open text box.
  3. Choose the appropriate Destination Folder from the drop-down menu. 
  4. Click Save.

Builder view

Concierge view

Search (Legacy) Card

The Legacy Search card lets the user search exchanges, documents, or site articles to return the  desired content. Searches can be “limited” to specific folders in the Knowledge Base, or specific sites if there are more than one. The number of returned results can also be limited.

The common way to use the search card is to use a collect info card to gather a search query (as a variable), then pass that variable to the search card as an inquiry. The search results can then be displayed using a simple message card, and the results variable from the search card.

Builder view

Start Workflow Card

The Start Workflow card lets the builder leverage the power of workflows in Guided Conversations. The selected workflow will trigger when the Guided Conversation reaches the Workflow card. 

By passing variables from earlier in the Guided Conversation as the “start variables” (inputs) for the workflow the builder can trigger automated processes that can run separate from the Guided Conversation. Combining Guided Conversations, Workflows, and the power of App Actions makes it easy to automate any flow.

Builder view

Live Chat Availability Card

The Live Chat availability card checks if a specific “team” has agents active in the Console Live Chat interface. In the Helpdesk, agents are able to turn their availability on or off with a toggle. If agents for a particular team are available the Live Chat availability card will return “true” for the variable “is_agents_available”. 

The builder can then use a logic card to create two experiences or paths, one for when agents are available, and another for when they are unavailable. Usually if an agent is available the builder will want to use the live chat card to initiate a live chat. If agents are not available it is common to leave a fallback message with other non chat methods of communication.

Builder view

Conclusion Cards

Conclusion cards are meant to be used at the end of a conversation when the conversation needs to be redirected. They include:

  1. Route
  2. Start Live Chat

Route Card

The Route card lets the builder choose another Guided Conversation where they can direct the user. Only the builder will be able to tell that the original conversation was routed to another conversation. The user will experience the chat as one continuous conversation.   

Using the Route card the builder can create a chain of linked conversations. This makes it possible to reuse previously built Guided Conversations and avoid building the same conversation twice. A common example is the fallback message, or routing to a Guided Conversation that attempts to start a live chat.

The route card has three options:

  1. Route to Exchange - Use this option to route to a specific exchange
  2. Route to No Match - Use this option to route to the no match conversation
  3. Route to Inquiry - Use this option to use our NLP to “search” for a matching conversation with an “inquiry”

Builder view

Start Live Chat Card

The Start Live Chat card initiates a live chat with the specified team. Note, this card will start a live chat session even if no agents are available. For that reason, it is recommended to first use the “live chat availability” card to check if a user is available first, then use logic to create separate experiences/branches for when agents are available or unavailable.

Builder view

Conversation Flow Cards

Conversation Flow cards are useful for creating branches in a conversation or directing the user to a specific step in a conversation. Conversation Flow cards include:

  1. Logic
  2. Skip To

Logic Card

The Logic card is one of the most important cards in any Guided Conversation. Similar to the Multiple Path card the Logic card the builder can create different “paths” or branches in the conversation. 

Unlike the multiple paths card, Logic card paths are not selected by the user. Instead the path that is followed by the conversation is decided by conditional logic. Comparisons to variables that are “true” will cause the conversation to follow that path.

In the example below, the Logic card checks which state the user previously selected and creates a path for two different options. Note that the Logic card also creates a “fallback” path by default for situations where “none” of the conditions/comparisons are true. While the example below only has a single comparison per path, it is possible to check multiple conditions per path.

The Logic card does not send any sort of message to the bot, so the user will not be notified of the fact they are following a specific path due to the Logic card.

Builder view

Conditions setup

Multiple conditions can be added for any specific path using the “plus” button on the right side of the last condition. Conditions can be grouped as “any” or “all” being true to allow for different “groupings” of conditions/comparisons.

Skip To Card

The Skip To card lets the builder redirect the user to a specific step in a Guided Conversation, even earlier steps. It is like the route card, but only for the current conversation. A common use case for the Skip To card is to redirect the user to a later part of the conversation after the conversation has already branched. 

For example, the builder may wish to create a different path for the user depending on which type of ticket they wish to submit. Then they want to send a confirmation email to the user. Instead of using a “send an email” card on both paths, the builder can add the card to one path, and use the Skip To card on the other path to direct the user to that specific step. Think of it like rejoining a previously split path back into a single path.

Builder view

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