Add Icons or Images to Article Folders

In order to add custom icons or images to Article Folders,  you will need to follow these steps

  1. Add the folder icon or image to the specific folder settings
  2. Add custom CSS to the site settings to style the folder images or icons

1) Add the folder icon or image to the specific folder

Navigate to the folder where you wish to change the icon or image. Upload the image in the sidebar containing the folder settings.

NOTE: Be sure to click the Upload button before hitting Save Changes at the bottom of the panel.

2) Add custom CSS to the site settings to style the folder images or icons

Navigate to Site Settings in the right hand navigation of the folder you wish to customize. 

Next scroll down to Custom CSS. 

Here is a snippet of CSS that will allow you to customize folder icons/images. You'll likely need to get a web developer involved if you want to change how they are customized beyond this basic snippet.

.homeFolderImageContainer img {
  width: 100%;
  max-height: 100%!important;
  margin-top: 0px;

Images should be around 350x200 and the CSS will automatically resize the image to a width of 360 with an automated height.

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