Helpdesk Custom Field Filters

Custom Field Filters

Custom field filters allow users to filter their tickets based on custom fields. To access a custom field filter open the same filter modal like normal. Select the more option and scroll to the bottom of the option box to find a list of custom fields to select. Select the desired custom fields and then filter like normal.

Important Notes

  1. All custom fields are visible regardless of project access.
  2. The text field filter uses “exact match” match search only.
  3. Filters behave the same as always.
    1. Within the selected filter, tickets that match any selected option will return in the ticket list (i.e. or operator)
    2. Tickets that match at least one of the selected options from all selected filters will return in the ticket list (i.e. and operator between filters)
    3. Avoid using symbols in the custom field name. This causes issues with the filter behaviors. 
  4. Numeric, Decimal, and Date filters all have the following operators
    1. Equals, Greater than (GT), Greater than or equal (GTE), Less than (LT), Less than or equal (LTE), Between

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