Concierge Feedback Settings

Within the Concierge, you have the ability to collect feedback on the answers and responses offered within the conversation. Feedback can be useful in helping you understand the quality of the responses given to your end users.

Feedback Setting Details

These feedback settings control the methods you have for collecting feedback within your concierge.

  1. Feedback Prompt: This is the text that displays when feedback is requested.
    1. You have an optional checkbox to "Always display feedback prompt"
  2. Require Feedback: This controls how frequently the Concierge will prompt for feedback.
    1. Don't require feedback: When selected, it makes feedback optional and not required to progress with the conversation. This is the default setting.
    2. Require feedback at least once on exchange: This results in the Concierge showing a prompt to collect feedback on a specific exchange until it receives at least one piece of feedback. After that, it is optional to leave feedback.
    3. Require feedback on all exchanges: When selected, a user cannot ask any follow up questions within the conversation until providing feedback on each exchange.
  3. Social Proof:This setting controls if we display the thumbs up feedback given by other users for the particular exchange/answer provided by the Concierge.
    1. Off: Never shows the thumbs up feedback within the concierge.
    2. Show thumbs up count: This is the default option. When selected it will show the thumbs up count by default.
    3. Shows thumbs up count and First Name + Last Name: When selected, it will show the count as well as a First/Last Name of another user.

More on Social Proof

Social Proof is a way for you to know how valuable the chat experience for your peers. This is a feature that works with authenticated users. 


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