Concierge Set Up

Create a New Concierge

Create and manage up to 100 web concierges that can live on any web page that you'd like.

  1. Click the settings icon in the left menu bar.
  2. Select Concierge under Chat Interfaces.
  3. Hit the Add button in the upper right-hand corner.
  4. Complete the field Concierge Name (this is the internal name for your concierge).
  5. Click Save Changes in the top right corner.
  6. Activate the Concierge by clicking on the Off toggle to enable it to On.
  7. Hit Copy Code, and add the Javascript to the web page you'd like the concierge to appear.

Concierge Branding

Use the Theme tab to choose the chatbot name, logo, color, and location the concierge will sit on the page.

concierge branding

  1. Add a Concierge Name. This is the internal name for your concierge.
  2. Create a Bot Name. This is the external name for the bot users will see when chatting.
  3. Add a Company Logo. This logo is displayed along the top bar of the concierge. Use a PNG file with a height that scales to 60px (120x,240x). The width can vary.
  4. Add an Avatar Icon. This avatar icon is displayed next to the Bot Name. Use a PNG file that scales to 40x40 (80x80, 400x400).
  5. Choose a Color Theme by adding a hex number. This color will appear on the top bar behind your logo, chat bubble, and background of the user's chat.
  6. Page Position determines where your bot will reside on the web page.
    1. Default: The concierge will be closed behind the chat bubble in the bottom right corner upon page load.
    2. Pop up: The concierge will be open in the center of the page upon page load.
  7. To use this concierge in your Admin Console, click the check box at the bottom of the theme tab.

chat bot branding

Add a Concierge to a Web Page

  1. Click the Settings icon in the left menu bar.
  2. Select Concierge under Chat Interfaces.
  3. Click the Concierge you want to add to a web page.
  4. Click Copy Code in the top right corner.
  5. Install the Javascript snippet on the web page.

To install the concierge on every page of a website, put the Javascript in a universal element such as a Footer.

Removing a Concierge

To remove a concierge, you can either delete or disable the concierge.

Delete a concierge

To delete the concierge from your web page follow the steps below.

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Concierge.
  3. Hover over the concierge you wish to delete. A trash can icon will appear on the right side.
  4. Click the trash can icon.
  5. Remember to remove the Javascript snippet from your web page.

Disable a concierge

To disable the concierge while keeping the Javascript snippet in place on the web page, follow the steps below:

  1. Click Settings.
  2. Click Concierge.
  3. Select the Concierge you wish to disable.
  4. Click the On toggle in the top right corner to Off. Your concierge will not appear on your page.

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