Concierge Visual Editor

Your Concierge bot is a very visible entry point for your customers to engage in conversation with your company. Within Capacity, we have a powerful visual editor within our Concierge setup that gives you many options to construct your own custom Concierge landing page that appears prior to chat users engaging in conversation.

To begin using the Visual Editor:

  1. Click the settings icon in the left navigation menu.
  2. Expand the Concierge menu under the Chat Interfaces section and select Concierge Bots
  3. Select the Concierge bot from the list you want to edit.
  4. Expand the Concierge Visual Editor section.

Within the Visual Editor, you can add different components to the main menu landing page of your Concierge and get a preview up the updates in real-time.

In the editor, we call each component a "card". There are 5 card types currently available within the editor. To add cards to your concierge, click on the Add Card button to get the list of cards and select the one you want to configure.

  1. Banner
  2. Live Chat Availability
  3. Content
  4. HTML
  5. Helpdesk


Banners are an easy way to alert users of an important message and link out to a site.   You can only use one Banner per Concierge. It will display at the top of the concierge (or if a Live Chat Availability card is present, just below that).

Select one of four Alert Types.  They're identical in form and function except for a color that represents the tone and importance of the message.

  1. Info banners are blue, and are best for providing general information
  2. Success banners are green and intended for a big announcement or accomplishment
  3. Warning banners are yellow, and alert users to an important event or task
  4. Error banners are red and should only be used in emergency situations

Alert Text: Fill this out with the text that you want to display within the banner.

Alert URL: (optional) If you put a link in this field, the banner will become clickable and take the user to the URL.

Live Chat Availability

This card will enable the Concierge to helpfully route users to speak directly with a Live Chat agent or send them to a Guided Conversation.

Below are all of the settings available to configure the Live Chat card.

  1. Agents Available Button Text: (required) This is the text that displays on the button that kicks off a livechat.
  2. Agents Available Description: (required) This description is what is displayed to the user offering the chance to chat with a live agent.
  3. Agents Available Trigger Inquiry: (required)  This is the inquiry that is sent to the Concierge when the Start button is clicked. This needs to match an inquiry of a Guided Conversation that also has a Livechat card.
  4. Team Id for Agents to Show Availability: (required) This is the UUID of the team that will participate in the live chats. 
    1. NOTE: Team UUIDs can be found by navigating to Settings > Org Management > Teams, and selecting the team.  The UUID is the long suffix to the URL, found in your browser's address bar, a series of groups of letters and numbers separated by hyphens.
  5. Show estimated wait time: When checked, it will display an estimated wait time to the user on approximately how long it may take for a live agent to be available. Our system estimates 2 minutes per queued livechat user by default.
  6. Show even when no agents are available: When checked, additional options will display to fill out. 
    1. No Agents Available Button Text: The button text to display when there are no agents available.
    2. No Agents Available Description: The message you want to show to provide additional context to the user.
    3. No Agents Available Trigger Inquiry: This should be the inquiry that will be triggered when the button is clicked. It should match to an inquiry for a Guided Conversation in your KB.

Once you completed filling out the Live Chat Availability card, all of the items above can result in views like these below.

Content Cards

The Content Card provides you with a number of text and image options for customizing  your Concierge landing page. Within the content cards, you can add any number or combination of text, image, video, and button elements.

There are eight types of content that can be added to a content card.  

  1. Title
  2. Image
  3. Label
  4. Header
  5. Description
  6. Button Stack
  7. URL Buttons
  8. Video

You can mix and match types of content in as many content cards as you'd like.  For example, your concierge could have a first card with a Header, Description, and Image, then a second with a Header, Title, Video, and URL Buttons.  Content Cards can be sorted, but the content within them can't be.

Title content is exactly as described: a bolded line of text that works best at the top of a content card.  Titles can be very long, but for maximum effect, keep them short and direct.

Use Image content to help provide a compelling and polished experience to your concierge.  There are two values for images: an Image URL and a Link.  The URL is the full link to your file, and the Link value is an optional parameter that represents the destination for users who click on the image.

Headers and Labels function similarly to Title content, but appear differently in the Content Card.  Headers are slightly larger than the title, and work well as section headings.  Labels are smaller, but capitalized, so best utilized as headings for small blocks of text or images.  Both Header and Label content have just one value to set: the text to display.

Description content typically consists of a block of text.  In contrast to Titles, Headers, and Labels, this is not bolded or capitalized.  Use it for longer messages by entering the text in the box labeled Value.

Button Stacks are exactly what they're called: a block of buttons.  They're powerful when you want to launch the user into a conversation, similar to the buttons (a.k.a. "teaser chips") visible for some concierges prior to opening.  When you add a section of this type, you can add as many buttons as you'd like.

Here's a nice Content Card design combining several forms of content: Title, Image, Header, and a Button Stack.

URL Button content consists of a vertical stack of buttons that link out to web addresses.  If you've add a card section with this type, you'll be prompted to configure one or more buttons.  Each button has display text ("Button Text"), a URL that the button leads to, and a Style.  Available Styles are "Button" (a traditional design, rectangular with a corner radius) and "Link", which appears as a hyperlink (i.e., blue and underlined). 

Video content is very powerful when securely added to a concierge.  You have two options for adding video content.  

One option is providing code in an iFrame, in the Embedded Video field.  This requires generating and pasting in custom HTML code.  On popular video sites, you can generate the embed code easily.  For example, on Youtube, navigate to a video and click "Share".  In the popup, pick "Embed".

The code shown will look something like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Copy this string of characters and paste it into the Embedded Video field, and you should be good to go!  This is an example of how an embedded YouTube video looks in a Content card.

A second option, Adding a Custom Video, contains the following four fields:

  • Video URL is an address for a video.  It must point to an asset resource, it cannot be a stream or link to a player like a Youtube URL.  See the information below on using Capacity's Knowledge Base for this.
  • Thumbnail URL is an address for the image shown before the user plays the video.  This is useful when your video starts with an unappealing image.
  • Video Type should contain information on the video's type, like "video/mp4" or "video/quicktime".  If the video plays in your browser without an issue, it should be fine.
  • Link is non-functional for custom videos.

HTML Cards

HTML Cards are a great way to provide content which can't be added anywhere else in the Concierge's visual editor.  For example, you could embed a feed of social media posts that stays current!

Note that this card does require syntactically-correct code to render properly in the Concierge, so you may need to find a developer to help with more complex uses.

HTML Cards can contain three sections:

  • Title is the text that displays above the HTML content
  • The HTML Code section's value is where you'll paste your HTML code
  • Hide this card is non-functional at this time.

The sky's the limit with HTML Cards, so if you need help executing on your design, contact

Helpdesk Cards

The Helpdesk Card provides a way for you to display tickets the logged in user has filed, directly in the Concierge. This can make it easy for your team members to have a quick reference for any tickets they have recently logged.

Selecting the Helpdesk card type will display a list of Helpdesk tickets that were reported by the authenticated user who is interacting with the Concierge.

After selecting the Helpdesk card type, you have the ability to configure a few options by adding card sections and selecting the type from the dropdown.

  1. Description: This is a simple text field that will display above the list of tickets. This is not required, but if you want to add a description above the ticket list, you can put your text in the Value input.
  2. Created days ago: This field acts as a filter that will get applied to the ticket list that is displayed. This is not required, but should you want to filter the tickets based off of age, you can simply put in a number for the number of days you want to go back to pull tickets based off of their Creation Date. For example, if you only wanted to display tickets that were created in the last two weeks, you would put 14 in the Value input.
  3. Show completed tickets: This is a simple Yes/No selection. Default behavior will show all tickets.

URL Pattern Dynamic Filters

Within each of the Content, HTML, and Helpdesk cards, there is an optional input for a URL Pattern Filter. This will default to blank, meaning the Concierge card will display on all pages that the Concierge Bot is displayed. If you would like to customize what pages the specific card will show up on, then you can enter in a URL path or use regex  to define multiple URLs.

If you define a URL path here, the card will only show up when it matches the URL path. If you want to put more complex matching criteria, you can use regex  to tell the system when to display the Concierge card. Below are some examples of regular expressions for URL matching.

  1. If you want to match on URLs that contain abc.html or def.html or xyz.html, then the regex to enter would be


  2. If you want to match on a URL that does not contain abc.html, then the regex to enter would be


  3. If you want to match on URLs that contain state=MO and product=FHA, then the regex to enter would be 


Reordering & Deleting Cards

Reordering: After you have had the opportunity to add some cards to your concierge, you have the ability to drag the order of how they display within the landing page of the concierge by simply clicking and holding on the card in the card menu and drag it to its desired position. Note: Banner and Live Chat Availability cards have a fixed position.

Deleting a Card: Simply click on the delete icon next to the card you want to remove. You will need to click Save Changes at the top of the page to ensure any changes actually take effect.

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