Capacity Release Notes (Updated 07/01/24)


Email Attribution Settings Improvements

New emails settings now allow Admin users to select from three different options for showing from whom a reply was sent. The options are set per Helpdesk Project Inbox, and will determine the email "from" name and the name which displays in the template (see screenshot). The options are…

  1. No attribution
  2. Use Custom Display Name (with fallback)
  3. Use Agent Profile Name
    1. First name only
    2. First name and last initial
    3. First and last name

The settings can be found on under the “Settings > Inbox (under Helpdesk) > Inbox email name”.


Helpdesk Custom Views

Helpdesk Custom Views allow Helpdesk Agents and Managers to create and save filters as a custom view linked in the Helpdesk sidebar. Helpdesk Agents can create and save private views. Admins and Helpdesk Managers can share views with individuals, teams, and the entire organization.

Helpdesk Agents can create and save their own personal custom views. Admins and Helpdesk Managers can share views with individuals, teams, or the entire organization.

Read the full documentation here

Guided Conversations Route Card

The “Route” card in Guided Conversations allows you to continue a concierge conversation by redirecting to a different simple exchange or guided conversation. The “Route” card comes with three options.

  1. Route to Exchange
  2. Route to No Match
  3. Route to Inquiry


Workflow Retry Settings

Workflows are a powerful tool for automating any business process. Sometimes though, certain steps in a Workflow can fail, causing the entire process to grind to a halt. A common example of this is when a step that uses an App, or custom Dev Platform endpoint, fails due to temporary service interruptions. 

The new Workflow Retry Settings found on the new "Settings" tab of your Workflow will address these situations by allowing the Workflow to retry from the errored step a specified number of times. This setting will make your processes less brittle and more resilient to transient errors in the process.

To update your retry settings, enter the workflow builder page, then select the "Settings" tab at the top. The retry settings provide two options

  1. Retries - which sets the number of times the Workflow will attempt to retry from the errored step
  2. Retry Time - how much time to wait between each retry.

Use these settings on Workflows where retries might allow a previously failing Workflow to continue instead of stay in a state of failure.


Helpdesk Reporter Quick Filter

Part of providing effective support is tracking the entire history and context of a particular reporter's tickets. Helpdesk filters let's agents search for all an individual reporter's tickets by filtering on their user or email. To make this process even simpler we have introduced a "View Reporter's Ticket" link in the more menu that will take you to a filter of all that reporter's tickets without having to go through the hassle of changing the filters.

To access the quick link, go to the three dot more menu on the ticket detail view of a ticket. You will see a link to "View Reporter's Tickets" (with their name instead of reporter if they are a user). Clicking the link will automatically alter your ticket filter view to show all the tickets from that reporter. Please note, if they have tickets in projects to which your user does not have access, you will be unable to view those tickets and they will not show in the returned filtered list.


Helpdesk Kanban Improvements

The Helpdesk Kanban is an essential part of many teams' processes. As teams continue to use the Kanban more frequently we've continued to add access to full Helpdesk features. The Kanban view now supports the following:

  1. Use @mentions in the ticket detail modal/popup view
  2. Link tickets from the ticket detail modal/popup view
  3. Tag tickets in the modal/popup view
  4. Collapse Kanban status, and edit colors


Ability to detect when another agent is viewing a ticket

Now Helpdesk agents can see when another agent is viewing a ticket. Avatars will be shown in the header of the ticket detail view when other agents are looking at the same ticket as you: 

Agents will see a notification banner on the comment box when another agent has already started writing a reply to that ticket: 

Clicking the banner or the avatars in the comment box will open a modal where agents will be able to:

  • See which other agents are writing a public reply.

  • See when the last time was an agent edited their draft. 

  • Preview what has been written, and replace your current draft with another agent’s draft, enabling one agent to pick up where another agent left off. 

Agent Name Email Setting

There is now a Helpdesk email setting to use agent name as the display name in a capacity email address. 


LiveChat Jump in

With Capacity's LiveChat Jump In, agents have the ability to proactively engage with visitors to their website and invite them to join a live chat. As visitors browse your site, you can invite them to chat and offer any assistance or to proactively answer any questions they may have based on the page of the site they are on.

From the Dashboard, agents will have the ability to invite active visitors on the site to engage in a live chat. We call this a LiveChat Jump In. To do so, agents can click the Invite to Chat button.

Once this occurs, if the visitor will see a message from the agent requesting to chat.

Click here to read the full documentation. 

New and Updated Reports

We've given our ticket dashboard a facelift with the new Helpdesk Overview report! Built with the HD manager in mind, enhancements include:

  • the ability to see a breakdown of custom statuses

  • the ability to filter incoming tickets by day, week, and month

  • a breakdown of ticket priorities 
  • a breakdown of ticket types 

This report refreshes nightly around 12:00 AM CST and you'll find a date updated timestamp in the bottom right. The ticket dashboard is still accessible but eventually we will retire this report. 

We've also added a Helpdesk - Custom Fields report. Now you can easily track your custom field values and filter by project, field name, or field value. Read more about configuring custom fields here

You can find both of these reports in the analytics section at the bottom of our reports list. 

Knowledge Base Search Card 

Now our Knowledge Base search card allows you to limit your Cloud Drive document search to specific folders. This will allow you to configure a more targeted search by narrowing to the relevant documents. 

Other Enhancements

  • In the Helpdesk, the reporter filter now allows you to filter by email address. Additionally reporter was added as a default filter. 
  • When creating a ticket within the Helpdesk, you can now select a reporter. 
  • Admins and knowledge base managers can now delete knowledge bases. Please note that the default General knowledge base cannot be deleted. 

 Bug Fixes

  • When viewing tickets in Boards you can now drag and drop images into public reply and private comments.
  • Previously Automations with long titles were not wrapping making the right panel too large. 


Helpdesk Email Signatures

Email signatures are an easy way to add branding and information to ticket replies. The Capacity Helpdesk now provides three ways to add a signature to replies sent out from the Helpdesk.

  1. Global Footer Content - Defined in Org settings.
  2. Project Level Email Signatures - Defined in individual Project Settings.
  3. Agent Email Signatures - Enabled per project, defined in user profile page.

Click here to read the full documentation.

Helpdesk Plain Text Emails

Helpdesk projects now have a new setting option. Administrators can now set all replies for a project to send as plain text or the default HTML. Please note, switching between the two can cause ticket conversations to appear differently between messages. 

While the plain text option can be useful in certain circumstances, Capacity recommends using the default HTML option as it is the most common form of email communication.


Automations Instance View

Capacity Automations are an excellent way to reliably and routinely trigger custom actions and complex workflows, without any human intervention.  There are times when users of the web console will want to review these processes and ensure that things are running as smoothly as intended.  So, to improve the Automations experience, we've now added a new view.

Open any automation, then click the Instances tab.  Pick one, and you should see the status and completion date.  It's that easy!

Bug Fix

Fixed an issue in MLDocs where opening the side panel would cause a browser crash under certain circumstances.


Private Comment Image and File Support

Private comments are an integral part of internal support conversations. Now private comments will support attaching files and images to enrich context around those tickets. Agents can attach files with the attach file button or add images with the upload image button. Images can also be added by copy pasting them into the body of the comment.

Please note, there is a limit on total included file size that will show at the bottom of the private comment input. Files from comments can be downloaded from the three dot "more" menu.


CapacityDB: Content Export Records to CSV

CapacityDB is the ideal place to add and maintain data that powers your Concierge and Workflows.  However, you might need a copy outside of the console, and it's now easy to download that with a button in the top menu bar.

Bug Fix

  • Previously, the URL Buttons card in Concierge v2 Settings would not appear properly, by default.  Now they will work as expected.


Great news! We're continuing to build out the Helpdesk with new features, based on your feedback.  Read about each below.

Enhanced Ticket Sorting Control

In the ticket detail view, you will now notice that the sorting filter lives in the upper right. This change ensures consistency with the table view's sorting filter location, making it easier for you to manage tickets effectively and maintain familiarity with the platform.

New Default Filter Options

You asked for additional standard ways to filter tickets, including by Due Date, and we listened.  Just click the "More" button next to Ticket Filters and check the boxes that you want to filter by.

Image #1

Relative Range and Date Filter Option

When filtering on time-based fields like Created At and Due Date, you'll need flexibility.  Do you want to review tickets created in the last month?  Ones due in the next 14 days?  You now have an option to be that granular.  When you click a dropdown on a date-based filter field, and click the radio button for Relative Date, you can set a window of time in relation to the present.   

Happy filtering (and sorting)!

Image #2

Other Enhancements

  • In CapacityDB, editing longer values became easier!  Double-click anywhere on a row to edit a single item.


Helpdesk Ticketing Portals

Helpdesks are all about communication. Sometimes that's with internal employees, other times it's with external customers. For both, the way they interact with the support software can greatly impact their support experience. That's why we're introducing two new Helpdesk interfaces for external users of Capacity Support, the Public and Private Ticketing Portals.

To activate the Private or Public Portal, go to the Settings > Projects page, and select the project for which you want to make the Private or Public Portal accessible. From the project settings page, under the new Helpdesk Portal Settings section, select the option you wish to enable. Then click Save Changes.

Private Ticketing Portal

The Private Portal is specifically for authenticated users of Capacity Support. That means they must login to access the portal, and are users in the Capacity user list visible to Admins. Via the Private Portal, authenticated users can view a list of all of their reported tickets for projects which have the portal enabled

The private ticket portal can be reached via a link constructed using your organization ID.[your org id here]/tickets

If no projects have the portal active, users will see an empty page.

 From the Private Portal, users will be able to:

  1. View a list of all reported tickets (for projects with the portal active)
  2. Close their reported tickets
  3. Check the status and details of their reported tickets
  4. Send a response to the Helpdesk and thread participants
  5. Logout of the Private Portal

To learn more about the specifics of the Private Portal read the full documentation here.

Public Ticketing Portal

The Public Portal is for unauthenticated or anonymous users of Capacity Support. The Public Portal exposes individual tickets via a unique link shared in agent response emails. 

On the Public Ticket Portal, users can:

  1. Close their ticket
  2. Check the status and details of their ticket
  3. Send a response (if they can enter an email associated with the ticket)

To learn more about the specifics of the Public Portal read the full documentation here.


Workflow Rerun

Workflows are a powerful tool for automating tasks and processes. Sometimes, when testing or improving one of those processes it can be useful to "rerun" the Workflow. To rerun a Workflow go to the "instances" view, then select the instance you wish to rerun. From the right sidebar, click the "Run this workflow instance again" link to begin rerunning the Workflow.

Fixes and Improvements

Helpdesk New Tab Links 
In the past, links in ticket descriptions and pdf attachment download links would open in the same tab causing users to lose their place in the helpdesk. Ticket description links and pdf downloads will now open in a new tab by default.

Helpdesk Failed Email Attachment Notification
To protect users from harmful file types, the Helpdesk is limited to specific allowed files by default. Now when users email disallowed files as an attachment, they will receive an email notifying them that their attachment was rejected, so they can provide a different file or coordinate with their Helpdesk provider.


We've added the the AI Variant Generator produces multiple high-quality variants of a given question while preserving its original meaning. 

By offering these diverse alternatives, the AI Variant Generator enables your chatbot to comprehend user queries more effectively, thereby delivering more accurate search results and hastening response times.

Read more here.


Great news! We have released many major improvements over the past two weeks.  Read about each below

Helpdesk AI Tools

As part of our focus on providing top-notch service, we are pleased to announce the integration of AI Tools into the Capacity Helpdesk. This optional integration will help agents provide more accurate and timely responses while ensuring faster ticket resolution. This new feature will significantly benefit our customers and agents by allowing them to save time while offering professional and precise responses. We are confident this integration will bring unprecedented confidence and reliability in customer service.

Read more here.

Fine-Grained Access

The Capacity Knowledge Base and Articles offerings are a great way to collect and share knowledge across your organization. Sometimes, you might not want to make all information available to all users. Fine-grained Access allows you to toggle permissions to files, folders, and articles based on teams.

It's complex, so read more on the feature and learn tips our Support Site for the Knowledge Base and Articles.

Helpdesk Filtering: Custom Field Filters

Custom field filters allow users to filter their tickets based on custom fields. To access a custom field filter open the same filter modal like normal. Select the more option and scroll to the bottom of the option box to find a list of custom fields to select. Select the desired custom fields and then filter like normal.

Read more here.

Concierge V2 Visual Editor

We recently unveiled Concierge v2, a massive upgrade in the way you can present your organization's intelligence in the web chat window. Release required a new tool for updating the look, feel, and behavior of the concierge, which Admins can access via the Settings section of the console.

Read more about how to construct v2 concierges here, or see one in action with Max Capacity!


Simple Logic Builder for Guided Conversations

Part of what makes Guided Conversations so powerful is the ability to branch the conversation based on the responses of the user. Simple Logic Builder makes it even easier to conditionally send users down the correct path.

Now in addition to the more advanced Lua code, you can use our visual logic builder to create conditional paths in your conversation. Use variables from your conversation and standard comparison operators like equals, greater than, or is nil to build your logic. Use grouping to create combinations requiring all conditions in a group, or any condition in a group to define your logic. For those comfortable with Lua code, continue using it by switching to the code view.

Feature fixes

  • Fix issue with broken inline images in email created tickets.
  • Fixed issue with saving Concierge names


Support for Audio Files

Capacity's platform supports many different file types.  With the latest release, users can now upload audio files (WAV, MP3, and AIFF formats) in the console as Helpdesk attachments, as well as directly to the Cloud Drive.


Knowledge Base/Cloud Drive

What's Fixed

We've improved platform performance when adding an attachment to a Workflows broadcast node.


Kanban Ticket Modal

The Helpdesk Kanban view makes it easy to see where tickets are in your process and move those tickets between statuses. To make it easier to manage your tickets from the Kanban view, we are introducing the Kanban ticket modal. Click any ticket to edit it in a modal window without having to leave the Kanban. All the same features from the Helpdesk ticket detail view are available for your convenience.


What's New

  • New Helpdesk Filters UI
  • Helpdesk Organization Level Custom Views
  • Helpdesk Bulk File Downloads
  • Helpdesk Recovered Tickets System Record

New Helpdesk Filters UI

Capacity has introduced a new Helpdesk Filter UI (user interface) to enable better customizability and prepare for the future addition of new filter options. The new Helpdesk Filter UI has all the same functionality of the old interface in a much more compact and customizable package.

To read more about this feature see the Helpdesk Filters article. The article explains how to:

  1. Filter Helpdesk tickets
  2. Search tickets and access filters
  3. Add new filter options

Helpdesk Organization Level Custom Views

Helpdesk Managers are now able to create custom filter views for their entire organization. New saved filters will appear for all users in the left sidebar below the default filter views. Users with Helpdesk Manager permissions can use the filters dropdown in the Helpdesk to create a view by naming and saving that view for the entire organization to view.

To read more about this feature see the Helpdesk Organization Level Custom Views article.

Helpdesk Bulk File Downloads

Helpdesk tickets are often accompanied by images and attachments. The new “download files” option allows agents to download a .zip file containing all images from a ticket or ticket thread item. Use the three dot more menu to select “download files” and Capacity will generate and download a .zip file with all the files for that specific thread item.

Helpdesk Recovered Tickets System Record

Occasionally problems like a bad internet connection, or internal systems can cause delays in email delivery. Capacity’s robust email recovery system works hard to ensure missed or delayed emails still arrive in your helpdesk. To indicate those recovered emails, we now provide a “system message” indicating the ticket was recovered.


What's New

  • Helpdesk WAV, MP3, AIFF file support

Helpdesk WAV, MP3, AIFF file support

Audio files can be an important part of many business processes. They are also often included as attachments for tickets created from meeting or call recordings. To allow these file types in the Helpdesk we now support the following file types as ticket attachments.

  • WAV
  • MP3
  • AIFF

To listen to the file, download the attachment and view on your computer.

What's Fixed

  1. Fixed reply box image drag and drop conflict issue.
  2. Concierge now allows users to save an empty teaser message.


What's New

  • Real-Time Ticket Update Notifications
  • Automation Templates
  • Document Metadata Fields

Real-Time Ticket Update Notifications

We've introduced real-time ticket update notifications into Capacity. This feature displays a banner notification to all Helpdesk Agents who are currently viewing a ticket that has been updated by another agent.

Key Benefits:

  1. Keep agents aligned on the customer when a ticket is updated
  2. No more guessing. This will save agents time when they know another agent has already updated a ticket

The banner will render when the following is updated:

  1. Ticket status (e.g. moved to in progress)
  2. Public and private comments are sent
  3. Custom Fields
  4. Title
  5. Description

Automation Templates

Capacity Automations allow you to send emails, update tickets, trigger workflows, and ultimately start automating almost any business process. To make the creation of automations even easier Capacity is introducing Automation Templates.

On your Automations page you will now find a new tab called “Templates”. This tab will feature example Automations that you will be able to copy and use as a starting point for your own custom Automations. Simply click “Copy to Automations” and a copy of the template will be added to your list of automations. Customize it to fit your own process needs, and go back anytime to make a new copy.

Today we’re starting with one, but keep an eye out for notifications as we release more automation templates to help you get started with automating your business

Document Metadata Fields

Capacity Cloud Drive can quickly grow to be a central document storage and management tool for any business. To assist with organization we are introducing the first meta fields for documents. Now you can save title and tag fields to provide more detailed information about your documents. To add or edit the meta information of a document, go to the document details page and open the right sidebar. There will be a new “info” tab with fields to edit. Keep an eye out for more fields to come!

Fixes and Enhancements

  1. Resolved issue with Helpdesk filters auto-clearing.
  2. Resolved issue with ticket count getting out of sync.


What's New

  • GC: Versioning
  • Articles: Dynamic Sort
  • Concierge: Social Proof
  • Developer Platform: Delete a Code Block
  • Help Desk Enhancements

GC: Versioning

Guided Conversations are an easy way to build complex flows for your chat users.  But, with all the different types of cards, branching paths, app actions, logic edges and more, occasionally an accident will happen and you'll have a broken conversation on your hands.

With this release, you're now able to revert your conversation to a previous published state, whenever you need to!  Just look for the "See Version History" button in the top right corner when editing a conversation.  

Select the version you'd like to review, and when you're confident you want to revert your changes, click the "Restore" button!   So feel free to continue to build with this safety net in place!

Articles: Dynamic Sort

Capacity Articles allows users to create folders of valuable content, organized in a list.  You can now quickly reorder that list, with drag-and-drop!

For a walkthrough of the feature, see the tutorial here.

Concierge: Social Proof

Wouldn't it be nice if users of the Concierge knew how valuable the chat experience was for their peers?  Well,  now, Capacity administrators are able to turn on Social Proof functionality for a concierge to do just that!

How do you enable this?  In Concierge's Settings, under the Feedback tab, users will now see a functional "Social Proof" section.  Depending on which radio button is selected, this feature will show the number of "likers" of a conversation, and can even include the name of one such user!  For help enabling and testing this, contact Capacity customer support.

Developer Platform: Delete a Code Block

Capacity's Developer platform allows users to create blocks of Javascript code to use as functions in Guided Conversations and Workflows.  You're now able to permanently delete code that you aren't using, to keep your application's list of scripts clean.

Help Desk Enhancements

The improvement of Capacity's Help Desk continues with three new features.  

  • In the ticket list view, you can review the length of time since ticket creation
  • The "new email" indicator now turns grey if the emails have been read
  • Images on tickets can now be enlarged, for easier review
  • In Automations, the "Update a ticket" trigger is available again


  1. Helpdesk Floating Expand and Collapse
  2. Copy and Delete Custom Skills in Apps
  3. New Automation Analytics Events
    1. CapDB CSV import analytics event
    2. Workflow success or failure event

What's New

Helpdesk Floating Expand and Collapse

Sometimes messages and threads in the Helpdesk can become extremely long and hard to manage. The new floating expand and collapse button will allow Agents to easily open and close the entire message or thread at any point in the message. Just click the three dot icon that you’ve always used to expand or collapse the message or thread at any point.

Copy and Delete Custom Skills in Apps 

Dev Platform is a powerful tool for creating third party integrations, custom Apps, and more. Most customers won’t interact with GC in Apps in the Dev Platform unless creating a Globally available App for the App Center, but the option is now there for those who are interested.

Guided Conversations (GC) in Apps now allow you to copy your conversations from the App page in the Knowledge Base or delete conversations from your App in the dev platform.

New Automation Analytics Events

Analytics events can be a powerful tool for triggering automations. A properly configured “event” can trigger an Automation to run at any time, much like a webhook. However, the average customer will need the help of our Customer Support team to help implement such automations. 

Our development team has created four new analytics events. If either of these interests you please reach out to customer support.

  1. CapacityDB import success and failure events
  2. Workflow success and failure events

These events can be used to trigger Automations (and Workflows) when a CapacityDB import succeeds or fails, or when a Workflow succeeds or fails. Below is an example of how one such automation might be configured.


  1. SLA improvements - fixed a few bugs with the initial SLA release.
  2. Resolved profile picture saving issue.


  1. Knowledge Base: .eml file support
  2. Automations: Reply to
  3. Help Desk: Tickets I'm watching filter
  4. Help Desk: Bookmarkable Filters

What's New

Knowledge Base: .eml file support

We've added a new file type for you to upload to Capacity!  Drag and drop email files into the interface, use them in workflows, and attach them to tickets!

Automations: Reply to

Through Automations, users have been able to send emails after triggers, subject to one or more conditions. You can now add a "Reply To" recipient to streamline your communications.

Help Desk: Tickets I'm Watching Filter

When looking at Help Desk tickets, it's convenient to review all tickets that you're watching.  Now you can select the "Watching" view to do just that!

Help Desk: Bookmarkable Filters

Sometimes, you want to share a particular Help Desk ticket view with another person, but there's been no easy way to do so without describing the filters to select, one-by-one.  With this latest release, your URL (see the address bar) contains your filters, so share the link and let your colleague see what you see!

What's Fixed

  1. Help Desk - Holiday schedules now save properly
  2. Automations - Event type and event attributes display as expected


  1. Guided Conversations in Apps
  2. Helpdesk reply field new editor options
  3. Start email conversations from any ticket

What's New

Guided Conversations in Apps

Developer Platform Apps are a powerful way to share integrations, CapacityDB queries, and Javascript functions for use in Guided Conversations and Workflows. Now custom apps are even more powerful with the introduction of Guided Conversations in Apps. 

The new “Conversations” tab in your custom app allows you to create Guided Conversations that will be bundled along with your app.

You can even edit your in app guided conversations directly in the Dev Platform. Guided Conversations in Apps makes it easy to update conversations without digging through your Knowledge Base and folder structure.

When you publish your app globally, anyone who activates the app will now also receive your pre-built guided conversation. After the app is turned on from the apps page, the Guided Conversations bundled with the app can be found in the navigation drawer of the Knowledge Base under the “Apps” section.

Capacity is hard at work building a library of custom apps for customers. Keep an eye out for new Guided Conversations in Apps in the future!

Helpdesk Reply Field New Editor Options

Email is one of the most common channels for ticket creation in the Helpdesk today. To better support the email conversations Agents are having in the Helpdesk web console, we’ve updated the reply box to support standard editor features.

New edit options include:

  • Font highlighting, colors, size
  • Text Alignment
  • Bullet list
  • Numbered list
  • Blockquote
  • Strikethrough

Start Email Conversations from Any Ticket

Often when creating tickets in the Helpdesk, Agents may not include a “correspondence email”. However they may want to begin a conversation in relation to the ticket at a later time. 

Now the Helpdesk reply field will allow Agents to add public replies to any ticket type, at any time. Add “to” or “cc” addresses to begin email conversations whenever it becomes convenient or necessary.

What's Fixed

  1. Dev platform, delete app action bug fix
  2. Console link redirect improvements - Links to the web console now reliably maintain their route and parameters in the URL.


What's New

  1. Guided Conversations - Reply To in the Email Card
  2. Workflows - Dev Platform Scripts
  3. Console - Release Notes and Notifications
  4. Helpdesk - Easy Self-assignment

Guided Conversations - Reply To in the Email Card

The Email card in Guided Conversations has long allowed you to broadcast messages.  Now, you're able to utilize a new field: Reply To!

Workflows - Dev Platform Scripts

Previously, when building a workflow, if you needed to write a function for execution, you'd be required to write an API, and send in a payload of Lua code.  With the latest release of Capacity, you have an additional option: code scripts!  Write Javascript code for execution on your next workflow run.

Console - Release Notes and Notifications

Every two weeks, we post these notes on the Capacity website.  It's helpful content that lets our users and colleagues know what new features and fixes are now live in the platform.  Now we're also posting them to a second, convenient location: within the console UI!  Click the gift icon to see for yourself, and expect additional types of content in the future.

Helpdesk - Easy Self-assignment

When an agent sees a ticket that's clearly his or her responsibility, the next step is to self-assign it.  Now, that's easier than ever, with an "Assign to me" button!  Try it out the next time you need to work on a ticket.

What's Fixed

  1. Articles - When creating nested folders of articles on a site, sub-folders previously were not shown.  Now, they should appear as expected.
  2. Articles - Sort order is now saving properly.
  3. Helpdesk - Previously, images in exchanges that were embedded in tickets did not appear in emails to customers.  Now they do, reliably.
  4. Workflows - Several issues in emails broadcast from workflows have been fixed, most notably one where the Reply To field did not work.


  1. Helpdesk Reply Saved Drafts
  2. Email Thread Improvements

What's New

Helpdesk Reply Saved Drafts

Agents often write detailed replies to tickets from the Helpdesk. Now the public reply field will save a draft of your response so you never lose your work. Agents will be able to navigate away, and return to find their drafted response still available in the ticket public reply input. There are a few important details to note.

  • Drafts are per ticket, and per agent to prevent overwriting another agent’s work.
  • Drafts are only available in the public reply box at this time. Private comments do not save drafts

Email Display Improvements

Emails are one of the most often used ways tickets are created in the Helpdesk. We’ve made improvements to the experience of reading emails sent to and from the Helpdesk. Emails will now retain their original styling, providing consistency between email clients and the Helpdesk.

The plaintext trimmed version of the emails will still be provided, but upon expanding the email with the three dot expand icon, the agent will be able to view the email in its original format. Keep an eye out for more improvements to come.

Bug Fixes

  1. Images in emails - We’ve resolved an issue with emails not displaying images appropriately. Emails should now include images as expected.


  1. Helpdesk Search Improvements
  2. Self Close Links
  3. Easier Concierge Form Entry

What's New

Helpdesk Search Improvements

We’re continuing to add improvements to our Helpdesk search experience. Search now supports ticket reference numbers. Looking for the ticket in the email thread you’re on? Now just grab the ticket reference number from the email subject, and search for it in the web console to find it right away. Stay tuned for more improvements to come.

Self Close Links

Capacity support is built to automate and deflect tickets and questions so you can focus on what really matters. Now ticket reporters can use the “self close link” in each email to close tickets automatically. Agents won’t have to keep asking if a question or ticket should be closed. The ticket reporter can handle it for them!

Self close links can be turned on for a project from the individual project settings page.

Easier Concierge Form Entry

The concierge makes it easy to collect information from users via forms. Now the text inputs will grow with the user’s entry to make it easier to fill out forms. Just one small improvement to the form collection card as we continue to better the concierge experience.

Bug Fixes

  1. Blurry images - Some images in the Helpdesk were rendering with blurry output. This should now be resolved across all tickets.
  2. Broken route fixes - Some users were experiencing broken pages by following links to empty URL routes. This should now be resolved.
  3. Exchange image improvements - Images in exchanges now support a maximum width. Preventing them from rendering incorrectly.


What's New

Multi-KB Support

With this release, we're rolling out a long-anticipated feature: the ability for organizations to have multiple Knowledge Bases!  Each instance of Capacity now supports multiple knowledge bases which restrict and limit content editing access to specific internal teams.  To ensure data integrity, we recommend each major department that is added to Capacity manage and maintain its own KB.  

To try it out:

  1. Go to  Knowledge Management
  2. Expand the left column and click on the [+] icon in the "Knowledge Base"
  3. Add a Name
  4. Select the Teams that will perform the edits
    1. NOTE: Team members will need to be of the appropriate role (E.g. Knowledge Manager") in order to see maintain a KB.
  5. Click "Add Teams and Create"
  6. Once your team has populated the KB with appropriate content, you can distribute this content for consumption by updating the content groups

Cloud Drive Support for .txt Files

Cloud Drive can be used to store many different types of files, and we're adding one more in this release!  Confidently add text files and use their contents across the rest of the platform.

Help Desk - Anyone (except Chat Users) Can Be a Reporter

Previously, only certain users in an organization had the ability to be the reporter of an issue.  Now, almost anyone in the organization can!  This aids Help Desk agents when they're trying to get more information.

Note: Chat users can not currently be the reporter.  This will change in the next release.

What's Fixed

  • Previously, articles might not show images from embedded exchanges.  That's been fixed in this release.
  • Also, we've fixed an issue where Session Replay could interfere with with the way the Concierge syncs across tabs, which had resulted in blank chat windows.



Platform Improvements

For this release, we've focused our efforts to roll out several key performance and process-related improvements. 

Web Concierge

We've received reports that a small portion of chatbot messages inside of Capacity Web Concierge may not be returned to the user. As a result, we've instituted an additional fallback method to ensure messages are successfully delivered to their proper destination. 


We've introduced several key fixes to Capacity Helpdesk:

  • When tickets are assigned to a project that a user isn't assigned to, the Helpdesk would auto un-assign the user from the ticket. As of now, the user will remain assigned to the ticket.
  • Clients using Domain Keys to send mail natively under their domain name will no longer be added as correspondence contact. This means if a project sends mail as "", Capacity will refrain from sending mail to that inbox that could cause a loop from happening.
  • We found a bug where some mail sent to Capacity's inbox wasn't processed and delivered to Capacity's Helpdesk in a timely manner. We since updated our backend to ensure email tickets are delivered from our email server to Helpdesk more rapidly.
  • We identified an issue where some Helpdesk correspondences with oversized messages and large attachments would cause an error in opening the ticket inside of Capacity's Helpdesk interface. This issue has been resolved.

Email Interceptor

  • We've improved the matching capability of email interceptor by analyzing emails with a subject line and no body. 

Role-Based Access

  • We've received reports that some custom roles (from early beta users) lacked proper access to Capacity Console after we released Role-Based Access Controls to all of our users. This issue has been resolved.

Improved Chatbot Knowledge Matching Algorithm

  • Over the last several weeks, we saw an increase of no-match responses in several chatbots instances that would have been in the past, a successful deflection. There were some cases in which a security check would take too long and the data wasn’t returned fast enough for the service to provide a response. We have improved the speed of this security check so we return proper clarifiers to the user instead of escalating.


What's New

  1. Dev Platform Javascript Scripts
  2. Helpdesk Reply Box Size Increase
  3. Helpdesk Reporter Field Update
  4. Broadcast Node, Support for Attached Files
  5. Guided Conversation Form Card Default Options
  6. New Endpoint, Export from CapacityDB to Cloud Drive

What's New

Dev Platform Javascript Scripts

Javascript functions can be incredibly useful when you need to parse, transform, validate, or run a “function” on your data. Now you can leverage those javascript functions through the Dev Platform. Scripts can be added and edited from the “scripts” tab within the dev platform app of your choice.

Javascript scripts can then be run right from your GC (Workflow scripts soon to come). Capacity also provides a “Capacity Functions” app with a number of pre-built useful functions to help you transform and manage your data from within your Guided Conversations. Try out javascript scripts today!

Helpdesk Reply Box Size Increase

Sometimes replies from the web console can become long and detailed. The Helpdesk reply box will now grow to fill as much area as the ticket area allows. Now you will be better able to craft your replies from the console.

Helpdesk Reporter Field Update

Helpdesk tickets are often created via an email sent to an “email inbox” email address. These tickets have a reporter which is only an email. Now you will be able to update the reporter field and select another user as the reporter. Please note, once a reporter field has been changed, you will only be able to select Capacity users as the reporter. The field cannot be set to an arbitrary email. 

In addition to the changes to the reporter field, you will now be able to edit all ticket fields even in the “Done” status. Previously the priority, project, ticket type, and due date fields were locked once a ticket was moved into a “Done” status. Now they can be changed at any time.

Broadcast Node, Support for Attached Files

Capacity helps you organize all your data, including documents. Along with IDP and document mining, you can now pass files to the Broadcast node in a workflow, allowing you to send notifications or emails with a specified file as an attachment. Now you can automate receiving, processing, and sending of documents.

Guided Conversation Form Card Default Options

Form cards let you collect important information from your customers. Default values are a standard feature of form collection, which help customers submit their forms faster by pre-selecting the most common answer for the customer while leaving them the option to change their answer. Now you can set the default (initial) value for form card fields.

New Endpoint: Import from Cloud Drive to CapacityDB

A new endpoint will allow you to import from CapacityDB to CapacityDB SQL. This can be implemented via a Guided Conversations or Workflows. Reach out to your Customer Support representative for more details.

New Endpoint: Export from CapacityDB to Cloud Drive

A new endpoint will allow you to export your CapacityDB SQL queries as a CSV file in Cloud Drive. Now you can share your CapacityDB data as files in Capacity, or via Guided Conversations and Workflows. Reach out to your Customer Support representative for more details.

Bug Fixes

  1. Multiple email addresses in reply box “TO”
    Fixed a bug where multiple emails sent in the "TO" field were not being recognized. All emails should now be consistently recognized and added as correspondences on a thread.
  2. Duplicate issues in queue fix
    Some customers were seeing issues rendered multiple times in the ticket queue. This issue should now be resolved.


What's New

Role Based Access Control

Role Based Access Control (RBAC) introduces new preset roles to provide more granular feature and access control for your users. Depending on the products available to your Capacity instance, you will now have the ability to assign roles for features and product lines. Roles can be assigned from the user details page from the settings. New roles include:

  • Admin
  • Chat User
  • Developer
  • Helpdesk Agent
  • Helpdesk Manager
  • Knowledge Manager
  • Live Chat Agent
  • Live Chat Manager
  • Survey Agent
  • Survey Manager

Helpdesk Reference Numbers in Tickets

Helpdesk tickets have both a slug (i.e. HR-241) and a reference number (i.e. HR-118680959). Reference numbers can be useful when trying to find a ticket to which an email is associated. Reference numbers can now be found alongside slug numbers on Helpdesk tickets.

Helpdesk Comment Sort Order

Some tickets can end up with long back and forth conversations, which can make following a conversation and scrolling a hassle. With the addition of comment sort ordering, you can now have your comments ordered by either newest first, or oldest first. 

Ordering by newest first will bring the most recent messages to the top, along with the reply box. No more scrolling all the way through a conversation to add your reply. Sort order preference will be saved on a per user basis.

Bug Fixes
  •   Ticket threading duplicate ticket issue resolved - Some customers were seeing duplicate tickets created when responses should have been threaded to the correct ticket. This issue has now been resolved
  •   The tags field had an issue where no tags could be created if no prior tags existed. That issue has now been resolved


What's New

Guided Conversations Forms Support for Lists

Populating a list of choices on a dropdown card just got easier!  If you have a list available in a previous step, you can simple insert it into the appropriate box, and the card will give the end user the appropriate options.

Intelligent Document Processing Class Manager

Capacity Document Processing leverages “classes” to classify a document type which allows our powerful AI models to train for certain types of documents and provide better results. Now you can create and manage your own document classes right from the Capacity Console. Add classes from the Class Manager tab and apply them directly to individual templates from the Template Manager.

What's Fixed
  1. Fixed an issue where Helpdesk filters were not cleared after selection
  2. Fixed an issue where console users would be directed to their main organization page when signing in with SSO, even when using a direct link.


What's New

Concierge Synching across Tabs and Windows

Are you the type of person that has dozens of browser tabs and windows open, and often lose your place?  Now, in modern browsers, Capacity will keep every one of your chat sessions in sync.  So an exchange in one appears in other locations on your desktop.

Replacing Variables in the Guided Conversations File Upload Card

When adding a File Upload card to a Guided Conversation, you might not know where the file should be stored.  It may vary between chat sessions.  With the latest release of the platform, you're able to use a variable from a previous step in the conversation, adding flexibility when building more complex flows!

Workflows Broadcast Supports Email Template Selection

Do you like broadcasting professional-looking messages from your workflows?  Well, it's now become easier!  By clicking the "Insert Template" button in the Broadcast node's settings, you're able to quickly add your previously-composed template!  This makes it easier to deliver consistent and polished communications across the platform.


What's New

New Rich Text Editor to Mapped Exchanges

Helpdesk tickets often include requests that should be answered by your existing Knowledge Base exchanges or articles. Mapping an exchange to a ticket allows the agent to add the ticket request as an inquiry so that customers can more easily find the answer on their own in the future. Now when mapping an exchange the agent will be able to use the powerful inline editor to make changes to the exchanges directly from the Helpdesk.

Automations Update Ticket Action

Helpdesk automations allow users to create powerful automations around their manual ticketing tasks. Now with the addition of the Update Ticket Action, users can update some important fields for their tickets directly from the automation. Any fields not available in the Update Ticket Action can still be updated via Workflows, but fields will be added with time to make the automation action even more convenient. Current fields include:

  1. Ticket Name
  2. Description
  3. Assignee
  4. Priority

What's Fixed

  1. Helpdesk public reply correspondents management bug fix -ʉ۬Now when changing the CC or TO address in the public reply, the changes will remain for future responses.
  2. Email signature improvements - Now email signatures will keep attachments instead of removing them from the signature


What's New

Live chat ai suggestions

Your Knowledge Base contains the answers to questions for the entirety of your organization. Those answers should be easily accessible from anywhere within Capacity. Now, when a user sends you a chat message, our powerful AI will use your Knowledge Base to provide “AI suggestions” which you can use to answer their questions. No more looking for the answer, Capacity makes it available automatically.

What's Fixed

  1. Helpdesk attachment size update - Tickets often accumulate many attachments. The new smaller attachment size makes it easier to see the rest of your ticket information by taking up less space.
  2. Survey download fix - Survey downloads were experiencing issues. Surveys should now download as expected.


What's New

Articles: SEO Tags Concierge Autocomplete

Sometimes customers wish for their articles to be searchable from the concierge. Now with SEO Tags Autocomplete articles can be set to show in the concierge autocomplete for specific search terms. Add any comma separated SEO tags to your article and they will now appear in the concierge autocomplete when searching for those terms.

Live Chat Stop Chat Button

Concierge users may wish to end a chat and continue their conversation with the concierge bot. Now with the End Chat button, they can end their current chat conversation and continue with their other questions or guided conversations.

Live Chat Autoclose

Both the concierge user and the agent chatting with them are able to end a chat conversation. Now when a customer ends a chat with an agent, the agent will be notified that the chat has ended.

What's Updated

ML Docs: Classification Dropdown

Now it’s possible to classify documents directly from the Knowledge Base, making it easy to keep your documents organized after upload. To classify a document open the document review sidebar, and select the classify tab.

Help Desk Multiple To Addresses

When responding to a Help Desk ticket via email, the agent may wish to send the response to multiple “to” addresses. Now the agent can add additional email addresses to which the response will be sent.

What's Fixed

Article Embed Images Copy Paste

We have fixed an issue where copy and pasted images were not correctly rendered within article exchanges. Images should now appear correctly within embedded exchanges.


Custom CSS for Private Sites

Private sites are a recent addition to the Capacity suite of products. To better allow customization of private sites we have added Custom CSS Settings to the configuration options for private sites. To edit Private Site custom css navigate to “Knowledge Management” then the private site. Custom CSS can be found in the right side configuration settings.

Document Mining: Add to Training Model

IDP or Internet Document Processing and Document Mining are advanced features that allow you to redact, classify, annotate, split, and extract information from documents. However it is rare that any two documents are exactly the same. That’s where Capacity’s powerful AI and machine learning comes into the picture. By adding mined documents to the training model you can improve the results of document processing. After you have processed a document you can now add it to the training model from the document preview page. To add a document to the training model:
  1. Find the document you want to review in your Knowledge Base and preview it
  2. Review the results of the document processing from the preview page and make any desired corrections or adjustments
  3. Select the “Add to training” checkbox at the bottom
  4. Save your changes and selection
Now your processed document will be added to the training model and improve the effectiveness of document processing.

Document Mining: Create/Edit Template JSON

Document processing, and extraction specifically is an advanced feature that requires understanding of OCR and other methods of data extraction. To assist in creation of document processing templates (i.e. instructions for how to process document) Capacity introduces Document Mining Templates.Document Mining Templates can be found in the document mining page, under the “Template Manager” tab. There you can edit or add new templates. The template editor page provides two options for editing templates.
  1. Manage template variables via an easy to use interface
  2. Manually adjust template JSON via a code editor.

Templates are saved and include versions which are accessible via the dropdown. Note, only the “Production” version of the template will be used in document processing.

What's Fixed

Email Interceptor Correspondence Order

Email Intercepter suggestion now render in the proper order by time.

Session Transcript in Helpdesk

Some users reported formatting issues with the session transcript on all incoming tickets. This has been fixed.

Dynamic Articles

We fixed an issue where Dynamic Articles were not initially available in all orgs.


What's New

  1. Dynamic Articles: New Features
  2. New Login Experience
Dynamic Articles: New Features

In our latest release, Dynamic Articles has dramatically improved!  You can insert an exchange, select multiple exchanges  not from a dialogue, edit an exchange, and move an exchange!

New Login Experience

You'll notice one new screen when you go to view the console.  You'll be asked for your email address on the first, and password on the second.  This is a precursor to a much larger change that is expected in the next release!

What's Fixed

Session Replay had a few issues when viewing in full screen that have now been resolved.

We've also solved minor issues in the Dev Platform, the Concierge, Private Sites, and LiveChat.


What's New

  1. Email Interceptor Updates
  2. Article Versioning & History
  3. Live DB PostgreSQL Support
Email Interceptor Updates

Customers and employees communicate through many channels. Email interceptor bring all your email conversations into Capacity so you can keep track in one place. It also makes it possible to auto respond to emails using your existing Knowledge Base and conversations. Below is an example of an automated email response following a guided conversation to help a new employee find a resource they need.

To see email interceptor in action in the console, you can look for any tickets created where the auto responder is enabled. Tickets will render email interceptor suggestions inside the tickets so you can track the whole conversation, even automated responses!

Article Versioning & History

Sometimes it's necessary to undo a change or roll back to an older version of an article. Now with article versioning and history you can do just that. Articles will keep a version of each save you make, making it easy to go back to an older version and revert your changes. In addition article versions now include content diffing. Content diffing shows each individual change made in your document between versions. Now you'll be able to clearly see the changes you've made to your article between versions.

Article History

To access your article versioning and history first navigate to your selected article. Then, from the article details and drafting page select the more icon and "see version history". This will take you to the version history page where you can select different versions to which you can revert your article.

Once on the version history page. Select a version from the left panel, then click "Restore" in the top right corner to set the selected version as your current version. After confirming, you will be taken back to your old version of the article for editing.

Note: Reverting to an older version creates a "new entry" in the version history, keeping all past versions alongside a copy of the selected version as the "newest" article version.

Content Diffing

Article history comes with the handy content diffing feature to help you clearly see the difference between two versions. Content diffing includes indicators that show what was added, edited, or removed between an older and newer version of an article. The older article in the history will show the changes made to get to the newer article in the history timeline. An example of how the changes are displayed is shown below.

Live DB PostgreSQL Support

LiveDB now supports PostgreSQL databases!

What's Fixed


Multiple Filters

When using multiple filters, all are preserved when modifying a ticket to be "In Progress".


Users are now prevented from adding a correspondence email to a new ticket in a project that does not have an inbox.  Previously, it would fail.


Agent Text Box

We fixed an issue where the agent text box could get locked up.

Org Settings

Warning Language

Changed the warning language for API key self-service


What's New

  1. Help Desk Remember Selected Filter
  2. Custom Feedback Text
  3. Configuration Page for Custom Text

Help Desk Remember Selected Filter

Help desk now remembers your last selected filter on the Help Desk page. For example, after switching from “My tickets” to “All tickets” Capacity will remember your last selected filter and keep it saved for when you come back. Now you can interact with the rest of Capacity knowing you can pick back right back up where you left off.

Custom Feedback Text

By default, when a user interacts with the concierge they get asked “Was this useful”? Now you can customize your feedback request text. Now you can have even more control over your customer conversations. 

To customize your feedback text follow these instructions: 

  1. Navigate to Settings
  2. Navigate to Concierge (under chat interfaces)
  3. Select your desired concierge
  4. Navigate to the “Other” tab
  5. Update the “Feedback Prompt” field to customize your copy

Configuration Page For Custom Text

To accommodate the growing list of custom text configuration options, Capacity now includes a new home for custom copy settings. As with the custom feedback text, new custom text settings will be found in the concierge bot “Other” tab. See the above section for detailed access instructions.

Custom text configurations can also be located with a new “Other” tab located within individual Org Settings pages.

Custom text configuration settings include the following options:

  • Clarifier none of the above
  • Clarifier prompt
  • Error response
  • Feedback Prompt

What's Fixed

  • Help Desk custom filters accessible when filter view is empty

Agents will often have multiple chat conversations open at the same time. We have resolved an issue where the text written in the message field did not clear when switching to a new conversation. Now the message field will clear between conversations, preventing accidental conversation mixups.

  • Folder navigation consistency

We resolved a minor bug where folders would occasionally not appear in both the central and left navigation of public sites.

  • Workflow loop node variable support

We resolved an issue where variables were not accessible within Workflow loop nodes. Now when creating a loop node, you will be able to access and use variables from previous steps as with all nodes.

  • Agent chat input clears between separate chats

Agents will often have multiple chat conversations open at the same time. We have resolved an issue where the text written in the message field did not clear when switching to a new conversation. Now the message field will clear between conversations, preventing accidental conversation mixups.

  • Long file name interface support

Some files uploaded to capacity may have long file names. We have resolved a minor issue where the file names were not displaying correctly. Long file names should now display in a friendly manner.


What's New

API Key Self-Service

Do you know you can manage users, exchanges, directories and more using Capacity's API?  If you aren't using it, you should try!  You'll need a key to interact with the service.  Now, within the Capacity Console, you can rename your key, delete it, or generate a new one.  For information on the functions available, visit


Livechat conversations can now be tagged. These tags give the livechat operator a mechanism to quickly organize all of their conversations in a single area. Note: These tags are also shared by Helpdesk.


What's New

Happy Valentines Day!  

Capacity DB

  • Edit Table Schema

Capacity now lets you specify a table's schema when you load data into a table, and when you create an empty table.

  • Search

CapacityDB search now supports searching for data specified in columns. 


  • Attachment Support

Attachments are useful because they enable agents and users to share documents and images quickly and conveniently. Now Capacity users can attach screenshots of error messages, tutorials, and other documentation to Livechats, making what they’re trying to convey that much more clear. 


What's New


  • Table and Schema creation

You no longer need to write SQL to create tables and their schema. Just open the "Schema" tab in CapacityDB and click "New Schema". After you give the table a name and add a few fields, you'll be ready for adding data.  No programming needed. 

  • Data Import

What's a table without data?  Well, you can now reliably add data from CSV files, including those created from workbooks in Excel and Google Sheets. We've increased the reliability of the upload process and improved success and error messaging, so you're clearly notified of specific data formatting issues.

Also, you now have a second option for rapidly adding data to power Capacity - by adding records manually, no files required! Just click the new "Add Record" button, provide your data, and click "Save Record". And with the ability to tab through fields and press the Return key to save, and an option to "Add another", you'll be able to enter new database entries as quickly as you can type.

  • Content browser

With the latest release of Capacity, you can now easily view, edit, and delete data as well! Just click the vertical dots next to a record in your database, and you can change any of the values, or remove the record entirely. If you're using CapacityDB to add extra power your workflows and conversations, you now have an easy way to validate that your data is accurate and complete. 


  • Custom Ticket Fields

Go to Settings -> App Settings -> Helpdesk -> Custom Fields and you can click Add to add a custom field.

Fields can be designated as Numeric, Datetime, Decimal, Single-line Text, Checkbox, Dropdown or Radio.

You can also specify if a field will contain PHI/PII, and limit the fields to particular projects and/or ticket types. And, best of all, these fields can be populated through your new and existing workflows!


LiveChat now provides your customers their number in line, and we fixed an issue where agent name and image sometimes weren't appearing.


You can now assign folder icons for your articles, and add custom HTML.

What's New


  • CSV Uploads

We fixed a bug on CSV upload that stopped subsequent uploads from occurring.


What's Updated


  • Watch Ticket Email

The Ticket Watcher emails have been updated to include additional meta data such as status changes, priority changes and more.


  • Analytics API 

Capacity now provides an API if you would like to export analytics data from the platform. 

If advanced analytics is enabled for your instance, you can ask your Customer Success Manager to provide an authentication token that will allow you to access the API. See details here

What's Fixed


  • Link Editor suggests invalid links

We solved a minor bug where link suggestions appended http:// to the current text. This worked fine for normal web links but variables, mailto addresses, etc would result in an invalid link.


With the last release of the year, we have a few more goodies out.

What's New


  • Email Interceptor

Under Settings -> App Settings -> Helpdesk -> Email, you can now configure the Email Interceptor. The Email Interceptor is designed to deflect tickets from ever being created in the first place. This feature was designed for public-facing Web Concierges that are available to the general public.

By default, you can select Never send, which creates the ticket just like it used to.

Slightly more automated, you can select Send and create ticket simultaneously which will create the ticket but also send KB suggestions. If one of those suggestions is thumbed up, the ticket will resolve.

Even more, automated still, you can select Send but do not create ticket. In this case, the email suggestions will be sent out and a ticket will only be created if the response was thumbed down.

You can edit the default open and closed states under Settings -> App Settings -> Helpdesk -> Transitions:


Santa came early this year, with the biggest release of the year!

What's New

Guided Conversations

  • Form Card

Our Collect Info card is great at collecting information one question at a time. But sometimes you want to collect info all at once. Enter the Form Card: 

With the Form Card, you can create a Form directly in a Guided Conversation:

Now the Form will show up in the Concierge to collect information all at once.

All Form fields are required.

  • KB Search

In the past there was no great way of searching the KB, Cloud Drive or Articles in a Guided Conversation. With the new KB Search card, we can do just that:


  • Linked Tickets

Tickets can link to other tickets by relationships (ex. Blocks, Relates To, Duplicates etc):

Ticket search is by Title only, with additional search options coming in a future release!

Live Chat

  • GC Post Chat

Now you can Launch a Guided Conversation after a chat session is completed. This can be used to collect rating feedback from the end user or to email out a copy of the Livechat session transcript.

Go to Settings -> Teams
Then select the appropriate Team and scroll to the bottom. Here you can configure your default Guided Conversation post-chat:


To add the Live Chat transcript post chat, you can use the following variable:



  • Redactions in the Console

Our Document Redaction Workflow node has a Redaction Suggestion Mode which allows you to review any redactions in the Console before completing the redaction:

You can edit existing redaction suggestions or add new redactions directly in the Console:


  • Private Sites

Until this release, all Sites have been designated as Public - meaning they are accessible on the web to anyone who reaches the url. With Private Sites, only logged in Capacity Bot Users of your org will have access to this knowledge. 

Private Sites are designated by the lock icon. You can also add an authenticated Concierge to these sites as well.

What's Improved


  • Status Filter Clean Up

Do you like déjà vu? We sure don't. Until recently if you have two Projects with the same ticket status - they both showed up in the Filter list.


Now you'll only see one filter per status across Projects.

  • Reply to Asker while adding new Knowledge

We've added back the ability to create new knowledge and respond to the asker at the same time. To send an email to the asker with the new response, check the "Reply to Asker" box.


  • Wider view for ticket tasks

We have made the Create new Knowledge, Map to Knowledge & Start a Workflow sections wider after multiple reports of text getting cut off.


  • Async mode for Helpdesk Ticket node updates

This release we launched async mode, but we weren't pushing ticket variables out. Now you can use:


 later on in the Workflow.

What's Fixed

Guided Conversations

  • Date/Time Card

    Have you ever had lunch at midnight? Neither have we, so we fixed a bug that switched 12pm and 12am.


What's New


  • Magic Link Config

Under Settings -> Security -> Access Management, you can now enable or disable accessing Capacity console via a magic link.

  • Project Owner Setting

Capacity Projects now have project owners. This field is important because it can be used for sending escalation emails from the Automations app. By default, project owners are  creators of a project. 


  • Async mode for Helpdesk Ticket node

Earlier whenever a ticket was created from a workflow, the workflow had to wait at the ticket step until the ticket was moved to Done. With the new async mode, tickets can be created without pausing the workflow. Check "Run in Parallel" box to create a ticket in async mode.


What's Improved


  • Reply to Asker while adding new Knowledge

We have added back the ability to create new knowledge and respond to the asker at the same time. To send an email to the asker with the new response, check the "Reply to Asker" box.


  • Wider view for ticket tasks

We have made the Create new Knowledge, Map to Knowledge & Start a Workflow sections wider after multiple reports of text getting cut off.

What's Fixed

Knowledge Base

  • Adding Content Group access to files

    A bug that failed to save Content Groups on files has now been fixed. Content Groups can now be added to files similar to exchanges.


What's New


  • Start of Workflow 

We have added the ability to Start a Workflow from an automation. This means that if the status of a Capacity Helpdesk ticket changes, a Capacity workflow can be kicked off to make updates in a 3rd party system.

Concierge Settings

  • Authenticated Concierge Content Settings 

You now have can control the content that is accessible from an authenticated concierge. The feature provides additional ways to tailor the experience for Admins who want to deliver different content experiences to authenticated users without updating any settings in your SSO provider.

  • Content Groups only - All content that an authenticated user has access to (via content groups) is available in the concierge 

  • Content Groups and Concierge Group - An authenticated user can only access content that is available to the concierge (via concierge group) and that they have access to (via content group)

  • Concierge Group only -  Authenticated users have access to all the content available to the concierge (via concierge group)


  • Watch a Ticket

You can now watch a ticket in Capacity Helpdesk. This means Agents who are "watching a ticket" will receive notifications when a ticket is updated. This handy collaboration feature is important to keep your team up to date.

What's Improved


  • Renaming an Automation

You can now rename preexisting automations saved in Capacity Console.

Knowledge Base

  • Previous/Next now work in content to search Results

This feature provides navigational improvements for Admins to browse through their search results quicker. You can test this my searching in Capacity console, clicking on the first result then navigating using the Previous/Next buttons.


What's New

Sites & Articles

  • Navigate previous/next folder & article

We have added previous and next buttons to easily go back and forth between articles and other folders at the same level.

Web Concierge

  • Required Feedback

For additional insight into quality of knowledge and addressing customer needs, we have added a setting to require thumbs up/down after each exchange/conversation is complete.


What's improved

Knowledge Base

We updated the Content Group Access Control Panel UX to give Admins a more a streamlined experience. 

Guided Conversations

  • Card Visibility Labeling

To provide additional clarity to Admins who build guided conversations, we've added labeling to cards that do not appear to users who engage with Capacity. 


  • Link Editor 2.0 

We've added an updated link editor for Admins that generates hyperlinks to link to websites and Capacity Cloud Drive Files

  • Sort Order

You can now reorder all the articles and folders inside of a Capacity Articles Site. You can sort articles and folders manually, by alphabetical order or by date crated.


What's improved

Knowledge Base

We have officially retired our legacy Knowledge Base and launched a new version. Some key things to note are - 

  • Improved Organisation

All the items are grouped into properly demarcated sections - Knowledge Base, Filters, Sites and System Messages.

  • Improved Navigation

All items have breadcrumbs at the top to easily navigate up and down the folder hierarchy

  • Create New 

Button for creating dialogs, exchanges and folders has been moved to top right. The flow is also improved in that adding something new does not directly add to the folder list without providing a name. 

  • Folder Content Layout

Folder and dialog contents are better organized and can be now available in a familiar tile view as well with the option to switch back to list view.

For more details, please see Knowledge Base docs


What's new


  • Image Preview

Images embedded inside of an article are now expandable. Prior to this release, an reader would have to use the"zoom" feature in their browser.


  • Agent Ticket Notification Improvement

Email notifications are no longer sent when a reporter makes changes to their own ticket.

Knowledge Base

  • Previous/Next Navigation Buttons

You can now navigate from exchange to exchange using previous and next buttons on the top right of the exchange editor. We added this feature to reduce the time it takes to navigate through a series of exchanges in a dialogue.

  • Moving Files and Folders in Bulk

Moving files and folders works the same as moving articles and site folders. Click Move and select your directory.

Live Chat


  • Live chats agents now have audible notifications when new messages arrive.

Attachment Support

  • Live chats agents can now download attachments collected inside a guided conversation


What's new


  • Start/End Dates

    Articles can be scheduled to be published on a specific date and set to expire on a set date as well.

Cloud Drive

  • Attachments - Drag and Drop

    Files can be dragged and dropped into the Knowledge Base/Cloud drive.
  • Table of Contents Sidebar

    Table of contents for pdfs are now shown on the sidebar and can be used to navigate the document.

Guided Conversations

  • Date/Time Card

    The date time card in Guided conversations you will let you collect dates (in mm/dd/yy and dd/mm/yy), times and timezone information from a chat user.
    • Builder View

    • Chat view

  • Support for File Attachments in Email Card
    Files collected in a Guided conversation through a file upload card can be attached and sent out via an email card.

  • Save Guided Conversation as a Template
    Any guided conversation can be now saved as a template and used as a starting point for new guided conversations.


  • Public Reply - Comment Attachments

  • Tasks - Start a Workflow


  • Canned Responses

    Quickly use pre-defined responses in a LiveChat instead of typing the same message multiple times across LiveChats.

What's improved

Guided Conversations

  • Error Messaging

    Error messages in a guided conversation are now shown in one list. Clicking on any error will take you to the exact location in the conversation where the error is occurring.

What's fixed

Guided Conversations

  • Deleting a logic card deletes all cards afterwards
  • Deleting a logic card now preserves cards following the first logic path.


What's new


  • Favicon and Site Logo uploader added
    1. Go to Site → expand the Site Settings tab and then go to the Site Identity section.
    2. Click Upload (under logo or favicon) to open the system browser.
    3. Upload a new image in PNG format.
    4. Click Save, and you’ll see your logo appear on your web site.

What's improved

Cloud Drive

  • Knowledge Base Drag and Drop

  • Namespace output variables
    This feature is best used when the same (App Action) card is repeated in a conversation. Both sets of output variables can be referred to using the namespace.


  • 🎉 Email attachment support added on tickets generated via email

  • Email threading support that identifies relationships—threads, people involved in a conversation, attachments, and duplicate emails—and groups them together so you can view them as one coherent conversation.

What's fixed


  • Special characters no longer crash web site search
  •  Image styles are shown on published sites have been corrected to better correlated changes made in the editor


  • Fixed minor bug when selecting "Changed From" condition
  • Fixed email body where edits failed to save.


  • Fixed when clicking on ticket threw browser errors on an intermittent basis

Knowledge Base

  • Fixed issue when users types a query fast in search box


What's new


  • Additional Style Settings - Header Background Color, Header Text Color, Footer Text Color
  • Unauthenticated concierges can now be embedded into a published site.

Guided Conversations

  • Correspondence email field has been added to Create a Ticket card. Email collected in chat can be passed to this field for back and forth communication on a ticket.

What's fixed


  • A bug causing messages on one LiveChat to cross over to another LiveChat by the same agent on the agent side has been fixed.


  • Duplicating an Action node in Workflow now copies input variables.

What's improved


  • Article slugs are mandatory, this is now reflected with an error message and save changes button disabled when slug field is empty.


  • Due Date Trigger in the past can be selected


  • SSO link for authenticated concierges now says "Click here to get started" instead of "Please click here to login".

Knowledge Base

  • Knowledge base search containing Guided Conversation results will strip HTML shown as part of conversation response.


  • Ticket due dates can be in the past


This update brings a whole host of small improvements and bug fixes,

What's fixed


  • 404 Page Button color leverages Site Theme Color
  • Custom CSS box now only supports CSS

Dev Platform

  • Fixed the time created/updated to reflect user local time

What's improved


  • Footers added
  • Updated site status "Passed Reviews" to "Published"
  • Added SEO Meta Description
  • Added SEO Title 


  • Chat Expiration: We will close and archive chats that have 30 minutes of inactivity OR if the customer leaves or closes the chat.

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